The Standing Stones Building / Landmark in Drakkenheart | World Anvil
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The Standing Stones

The Standing Stones are a collection of twenty-five ancient stone formations scattered throughout the province of Brehka. Several large stones made of black basalt comprise each formation arranged in a unique pattern, with some forming a circle, others forming a straight line, and some forming other patterns.   The purpose of the Standing Stones is not entirely clear. Still, it is believed that they were used for various religious or ceremonial purposes by the ancient tribes that once inhabited the region. Some believe that they may have been used for astronomical observations, as some of the stones align with the positions of the sun, moon, and stars at certain times of the year. Some others believe that some ancient people created the Standing Stones to mimic the mysterious Twisted Monoliths in the heart of The Forest of Glass after they stumbled upon them.   Many Standing Stones are located in remote, difficult-to-reach areas, such as high mountain passes, dense forests, or barren moors. This has led to speculation that they were deliberately placed in sacred or spiritually significant locations.   Over the centuries, the Standing Stones have been the subject of much study and fascination. They have inspired artists, writers, and poets and have been the site of numerous archaeological excavations and studies. Despite this, many of their secrets and meanings remain a mystery, and they continue to hold an air of mystery and wonder for those who encounter them.
Monument, Large
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