Primordial Strata in Drakkenheart | World Anvil
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Primordial Strata

Strata, the primordial embodiment of electricity and lightning, is one of the seven fundamental energies that permeate the very fabric of existence. As a force of power, speed, and energy, Strata is an awe-inspiring and dynamic energy that courses through the natural world and the arcane arts alike. It manifests as brilliant yellow energy, crackling and flashing with the raw intensity of lightning.   Mastery of Strata grants wielders the ability to summon and manipulate electrical energy in its many forms, from a static shock to a devastating lightning storm. Those proficient in Strata can wield this energy to create powerful electrical fields, and project bolts of lightning. The versatility of this primordial energy also allows its wielders to manipulate existing electrical currents, disrupt or enhance arcane and technological devices, and communicate over vast distances through the very air itself.   However, as with all primordial energies, Strata is not without its risks. The power of electricity and lightning is volatile and unpredictable, demanding immense focus and control from those who seek to harness it. Inexperienced practitioners may find themselves overwhelmed by Strata's raw energy, leading to disastrous consequences for themselves and others around them.   Moreover, Strata is the embodiment of inspiration, intuition, and swiftness of thought. Those who wield this primordial energy may find themselves invigorated by a constant influx of ideas and a heightened sense of mental agility. While this can be an incredible boon to creativity and problem-solving, it can also lead to impulsiveness, restlessness, and an inability to focus on long-term goals. As such, it is essential for sorcerers to maintain a balance between their control over Strata and their own mental state.   In the grand tapestry of this world, Strata plays a vital role in shaping the forces of nature and the cycles of life. As a symbol of power and progress, the energy of Strata is intertwined with the world's many natural and supernatural phenomena, from the crack of thunder during a storm to the spark of life that drives every living being. The primordial energy of Strata offers immense potential to those who can channel it effectively, promising a future of boundless possibilities and electrifying power.

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