Nagos Shieldbarer Character in Drakarchy | World Anvil
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Nagos Shieldbarer

Elephant Noises Nagos Shieldbarer

Nagos is a rather large Loxodon from the Kyrindae Estate. The Estate itself was near a cliffside, giving view to much of the holy order's territory down and further off, offering a beautiful view.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Being a Loxodon, he's pretty large, having a more muscle-gut figure than anything. While he has a soft belly, the rest of him is muscular. He also has three scars down his chest.

Body Features

Nagos is a towering elephant, to say the least, being 7'7". His skin, being a grey, easily reveals his bulging muscles, especially so for his legs. Despite normally wearing clothes, his pecs are just as toned as his arms, but his belly seemed to be quite pudgy as well. Also along his chest, he has a scar from the top of his neck to the bottom of his chest in a talon rake fashion. It looks like it healed poorly, and could have been from something worse than what it truly came from, a Roc.

Physical quirks

Nagos tends to be left handed, though he does have a bit of ambidextrous tendencies in him as well.

Apparel & Accessories

Nagos typically wears a light grey chiton with a sash as his belt that manages to hold his belly up some. Said sash has three large, white feathers on the hip side, and his family symbol rests in the center under his gut as a buckle of sorts. He constantly wears a signet ring on his middle finger, and always has an easily detachable ribbon on his arm with his holy symbol on it. His holy symbol and family symbol are both the same: A coin like shape with a silver outline, and light blue on the inside. A silver dragon head is emblazoned on said 'coin.' His armor, when he dons it, is normally silver, as he won't accept any other color of it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nagos, born and raised in the family estate of Kyrindae, was but a simple Loxodon born into a rich, influential family. He was a single child, and would've probably been spoiled, if his father Obrezh and his mother Tonsu didn't force him outside more often than not, with his first retainer Flow, the Air Gensai. He didn't exactly get along with Flow, mostly due to said retainer trying to teach him more about the ways of being proper, while his parents raised him like a normal family would. However, he did pick up quickly what was right and what was wrong, and soon became a semi modest kid throughout his schooling, even garnering attention of one of his favorite retainers, Siruz.

Just like Nagos, Siruz was a Loxodon, though two years older. He appreciated Nagos' love of learning and exploration, and despite Siruz being a bit immature, he tried to keep Nagos well educated as the two grew up together, more as friends than teacher and student. Nagos was curious of Siruz' immaturity, and took note of his different mannerisms compared to Flow. It gave him more to think about. Due to this, rather than act above others, he learned that each person is different, and nobody should be treated differently, as Siruz taught. And even though he was a young teacher, the two goofed around and had fun, showing Nagos the light of people and how to attempt to properly treat each person. This basic knowledge teacher grew from friend into retainer eventually.

Shortly around when Siruz became a retainer, an Arakocra by the name of Yir had taken a rough landing in Nagos' yard. While his parents were slightly apprehensive of this new guest, Nagos proved his empathetic nature and helped to tend to Yir's wounds. Yir then proceeded to speak to Obrezh and Tonsu to convince them that she should work off debt, of the invasion and destruction of private property.

Near his coming of age, Nagos' parents sat down with the Loxodon and tried to finally help see what Nagos should do in life. In the end, Nagos decided he shouldn't sit around and make a change for the better of his family, and become a noble paladin under King Krucilgaen's watchful eye. Of course this produced problems, but nonetheless, his parents hired Yisel, his new paladin mentor. Under Yisel, Nagos worked hard and took to his new oath, the Oath of Redemption. While he didn't need to redeem himself yet, his kindness showed as brilliant as the light he followed, Yisel giving him weapons to try and sending him off on tasks towards his training. He was doing well, despite taking a few hard blows, such as a gnarly scar across his chest from a roc that didn't quite seem to understand Nagos. Though Nagos was great at his training, and even rewarded the family heirloom of the almighty bejeweled great axe Kyrindae for all his work, one day, things went wrong.

While sparring with Yisel, and it was just the two of them, Nagos was training to try to use spells while wielding Kyrindae, of which was a bit more difficult when it came to somatic components. While trying a spell, his mind ended up getting clouded with anger and frustration, of which was the lesson of the day, and accidentally banished Yisel somewhere, a place of which he didn't know of. He did his best to try every spell in his repertoire to bring him back, but hope was slowly dying as the light of the day did. He eventually took to his room, letting his parents know that Yisel had left already, and that tomorrow he had to follow after as training.

That night, Nagos had trouble sleeping, and he felt something that he normally never felt--That rage of frustration in his mind of when he banished Yisel. He eventually cleared it, after a bit of tugging at his own ears, and took note of his new internal struggle; That of emotional control, and to not let carnage get in the way of his teachings and oath.

The morning came, and he decided to head off immediately, asking his retainers of specific things for each. He asked Flow to help take care of his parents and soothe them. He asked Yir to help deliver messages and keep everyone in contact. And finally, he asked Siruz to join him as lead retainer. Siruz was to arrange housing, food, clothes, and anything that would be beneficial that Nagos would normally ask of. Of course, he made strict rules that Siruz wasn't allowed to follow if things had even a hint of danger. Nonetheless, the retainers took to their new positions, and Nagos took off, not only to make a name for himself and his family in the eyes of King Krucilgaen, but to also secretly find his mentor Yisel.


Nagos is in the process of getting a knighted, preferably by King Krucilgaen himself, and serving him. For now, he travels with a band of adventurers, of which are all being hired by a Baron.

Failures & Embarrassments

He banished his paladin mentor to whoever knows where, and due to this, he tries to avoid this topic and gets easily upset at it. He's also easily embarrassed about the scar he has.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes mostly everyone can be saved and can redeem themselves, seeing things in grey. Though he leans towards being good, he has yet to admit he's seen pure good or evil.

Personality Characteristics


  • Bring his family to Nobility, or at least a better position than just "Millionaires"
  • Find and bring back his Paladin trainer.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

While Nagos is typically good at persuading others to settle an argument and can help bandage some wounds, he isn't too well at keeping his own emotions in check when him or his loved ones are attacked relentlessly, giving a clear weakness.


Family Ties

He's a single son to his father Obrezh and mother Tonsu.

Religious Views

Religion isn't exactly too important to him, if there even is a religion known.

Wealth & Financial state

As of now, 24 gold while traveling. When at home, a good, large amount.
Character Sheet: (link)
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
The 25th day of Autumn, Year 150 of the 10th Millennium
Year of Birth
10150 35 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Loxodon, and Primordial.

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