Wildlings (Goliath) Species in Drahman | World Anvil
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Wildlings (Goliath)

Most folk of giant blood ignore the political nonsense of the smaller folk. As the old Wilding saying goes: “Only people with little strength like to talk.” Wildlings are rumored to be of giant ancestry—however distantly—and keep many of the old stone giant traditions. As Wildlings keep no written history, it’s unclear why they are so small compared to their massive stone giant cousins, but it is undeniable that the two races are somehow related.     Living in small, solitary villages along the Cliffkeep and Stormcrest mountain ranges, goliath communities maintain an advanced hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Some have ventured down into the XXXX Plains to roam as nomadic raiders, taking what they wish from the unprotected few, but the aftermath of the Divinity Wars sent many wandering without purpose—quite a few have turned to mercenary work along the XXXX Coast to regain their sense of belonging. Others are sought for their unrivaled might and find a home in bandit clans that ravage the Ruins of Ocha.   A small number of goliaths have been taken under the wing of the wealthy elite and given advanced study within Ivorell; some out of charity, others for these nobles’ own cruel amusement. Most other people of Drahman meet Wildlings not with animosity, but with curiosity. Many people of Drahman are still apprehensive about dealing with goliaths because of their raiding under the banners of XXXX (deity) in the times of Divinity Wars, but they are doing their best to work through their instinctive fears.   (only limitation to Wildlings is that their skin is not ashy etc, but similar to human flesh)

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