Elves Species in Drahman | World Anvil
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The elves were the first people of this land. They were the fey descendants who first named their homeland Dro‘hmain, centuries before humans gave it the name Drahman. The common origin of most elves lies within the wooded lands of the Emerald Grove, and many elves—wood elves and high elves alike—still call the great forest their home. Though the city of Verdant Citadel is a wondrous thing, many a young elf takes to the road to see what else the world has to offer. This curiosity is considered foolish, and those who leave the comfort of Verdant Citadel for this reason rarely return to open arms. Thankfully, the cities of the of Drahman are welcoming to such wanderers, and some elven families have called these places home for many long generations. Emerald Grove is not the only enclave of elvenkind on Drahman. In the frigid north of the XXXX Mountains, under the prismatic glow of the Northern Lights, lie the Elvenspires. The city atop the spires is Lyrengorn, and the elves who make their home beneath Lyrengorn’s pines are known best for riding through the wintry skies on wyvernback. Every year, a few people from across Drahman travel to the Elvenpeaks to watch their skyswimmers shape the mysterious northern lights.   Wood Elves   Hunting across the many Emerald Grove outposts, most wood elves find their survival skills keenly matched for the wilds of the forest. Wood elves have a long history of dutifully protecting their homeland, and their people make up much of the Emerald Guard that patrols Verdant Citadel and defends the forest around it. Of the elven races, wood elves are typically more venturesome than their kin and prone to bouts of wanderlust, making them ideal adventurers. For guardelves, this manifests as a longing to be stationed in more remote garrisons.. This penchant for exploration has led to the spread of wood elf civilization far beyond the Emerald Grove.   South of the Stormcrest Mountains lies the massive jungle of Chult, and within roost the nomadic Orroyen tribes, wandering wardens of the jungle primarily led by a bloodline of primal wood elves who embrace their animalistic nature. Rarely do these elves wander from their jungle home except to trade with the other denizens of the peninsula. But rumors speak of a rare few of these elves who leave their jungle home to see the wider world.   High Elves   Within the city of Verdant Citadel itself, many high elves focus their crafts on culture and learning, weaving magics with grace and aplomb. It is understood that protection of their home is key to their continued prosperity, so many elves walk abroad to the Emerald Grove outposts to watch over relations with the neighboring civilizations. The high elves are so named for their innate magical knowledge; a blessing they attribute to their supreme deity, the Wildmother. Many high elves become highly religious sorcerers, exploring their latent powers through their faith. Others still develop their arcane skill by seeking admission to the Conservatory in XXXX, where they can study the theory of magic in a controlled environment.   Drow   Few elves wish to be associated with their degenerate, subterranean cousins—while many humanoids call them dark elves, the elves of Verdant Citadel instead call them drow. In times long past, the drow were a wise, beautiful people with long, silvery hair and skin of ash. But their society grew decadent and cruel, and fell to the alluring whispers of the leader known as the Spider Queen, waging war against the rest of elvenkind. When the Spider Queen was defeated, the drow were driven from the surface world and forced to rebuild their empire in the deep tunnels below the earth. But another power existed in these dark places. Driving the already frail minds of the Drow to new heights of paranoia. The dark elves are a people on the brink of destruction. Neighbors slaughter one another in the streets of their cities as they succumb to the madness. When aberrations can take any form—or fool the mind into seeing any form— who can be trusted? Unable to stop their citizens from mass rioting, the drow elite have grown ever more authoritarian, commanding their royal guards to keep order by violently suppressing their people Drow rarely come to the surface, for most are too proud to return defeated to the sun-drenched lands of Drahman, even to escape the madness of the underworld. Nevertheless, some still choose this dishonorable path. If any ever sought refuge in Verdant Citadel, they were killed by the Verdant Guard before they reached its gates. Most dark elf refugees live in secret in the cities of Ivorell, XXXX, and XXXXX, hoping to live the rest of their lives in peace. A sizeable group of refugees made it to the elven enclave of Lyrengorn in the northern XXXX Mountains and live with the wood elves there in peace.

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