Dragonborn Species in Drahman | World Anvil
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Dragonborn of Drahman have lived in near isolation for ages, keeping to the lands of Icewind plains to guard their culture, their secrets, and their rites from the opportunistic human kingdoms that rule most of eastern Drahman land. Yet, following the rise of humans, their new sovereigns extending the open hand of diplomacy to the small nation of Draconia, and dragonborn were transformed from a myth to a people one could see every day walking the streets of many human capital cities. All dragonborn can be of any scale color.    Untrusting of outsiders by nature, Draconian citizens held an aloof and elitist air throughout their interactions with the other races of the world, and attempts to build an alliance were stymied by pride and misunderstanding until the destruction of Draconia following the events of the Draconian Civil War. Surviving draconians have since scattered across the world, many still in shock over the loss of their homeland and trying to acclimate to a world where they have no social standing...

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