The Emperises Palace. Building / Landmark in Dragoshi | World Anvil
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The Emperises Palace.

The Emperises Palace refers to the place that the current ruler of the Emperise and their family lives. It is a large, grandiose palace made of Obsidian and Baksty Metals, with tall towers and open gardens and a more "open" design. Sitting close to the ocean, an Emperor or Empress can see the vast stretch of ocean that covered half of Wyvirix from their own personal balcony. It is fitted to serve an Emperise's every whim and desire and to help them rule as best as they can. It houses Libraries, Armouries, Gardens, Bedrooms, Dungeons, Dining Hall's, Kitchens, Pantries, Stables, Laboratories, Studies, and much more.

Purpose / Function

The Emperises Palace serves as the home and current center of the Emperises and his family. While the royal family is huge, the truly important one is the Emperise, and their palace shows that. It's supposed to give off an air of importance and superiority and put the Emperise's subjects in awe. It's also supposed to serve as a self-sufficient colony: with the many large royal gardens, personal water reservoir, and well defended walls and more than one escape passage, it's more like a fortress in war than a castle in times of peace.


A lot of rooms have been expanded upon and enlargened, the walls have been rebuilt multiple times to fit the sheer size of the palace and area around the palace, multiple smaller gardens have been added around the palace, some new towers were made, escapes routes were added, and a tunnel to the underground caverns and a small private beach underneath the cliff was added more recently.


Tall, black obsidian walls. A lot of gothic-style archways line the wall, tall ceilings, flying buttress, tall windows, doorways made out of the dark wood of the Ytopika Shedding Tree. The walls of the castle have carvings of dragons and wyverns or gargoyles of wyverns adorning both the interior and exterior. Tapestries of the royal symbols, past Emperise's, and important events involving or only including the royal family are hung around the palace. Many exterior window gardens, with shutters that can resist most weapons. Tall towers, with steep roofs and flags atop them adorning the royal symbol.


The Emperises Palace was built during an unknown time, but it is often assumed that Marxious the 1st Great King built it after the destruction of the Ancients Palace during the fabled Great Sea Wars. This can be seen by the fact that Marxious's window is the first of many in the Throne Room and Great Hall. The Emperise's Palace has been the site of much political turmoil, battles, and peace treties. Not only that, but the Emperise's Palace has housed some of the most famous, and infamous, rulers in Dragoshi history, The Twin Kings, for isntance, both ruled there. Their stained glass window teaches rulers that having two Emperise's at the same time spells doom and destruction for the entire race.
Alternative Names
The Black Palace, Home of the Grandchildren,

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