Dagonor's Avengers (cult) Organization in DragonheartedUniverse | World Anvil
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Dagonor's Avengers (cult)


An underground, religious, militia cult. Their highest ranks are General and Priest, which are both leaders of two separate areas--the military, and the religion. Both are fully embraced by members, and meetings feature both, although both branches have their own organized meetings to strengthen their areas. Through these branches, a hierarchy in both assembles.


Some wealth, a trained and organized military-esqe force, several mages, and connections.


After the massacre, a small group of Light draglins fled to the Scales. They established their own group to support each other, keeping their true identities as draglins hidden from everyone for fear of Quinn finding them. Eventually, they bred into the community, but the group stayed alive, and eventually changed. The lore--of how draglins were made, of Dagonor's greatness, and of the First Six--passed down from the founders was told, and eventually spread. As their blood was further diluted, even a half or quarter draglin was highly sought after, and any with draglin blood flocked to the group. The myth and religion they developed out of this praised the Six as gods, and spread the belief that the Six could turn the part draglins into full draglins, lifting them up to be an evolved human. Even regular humans got involved, and soon the group was thriving, with part draglins from almost every type. They wait for the day that their gods will claim them--the day that they can avenge Dagonor.

Mythology & Lore

The Creation of draglins is a fundamental myth. It states that the Six created draglins as divine vessels for their spirits, and that this is the true purpose of all draglins, even if they will never get to fulfill it. Draglins are greater versions of humans; with inherent weak elemental magic according to their type. Based on this, the Six will come again, and make their true believers full, powerful draglins. It is the desire of every member to be a draglin and restore Dagonor.   They also emphasize the massacre, the valiant acts of the Six, and the glory of Dagonor.

Divine Origins

The original Light draglins that fled after the massacre carried these stories, which eventually developed into the mythos of the cult.

Tenets of Faith

1. Do not betray any secrets to the uninitiated 2. Do not criticize or otherwise speak ill of the SIx 3. Do not use magic outside of meetings and instruction; unless in a life-or-death situation or under the directions of the Priest or General 4. Praise the Six every time you use your granted abilities; if you have none, praise them anyways when you can 5. Attend meetings when possible; take to heart doctrine, and seek to learn of the faith 6. Always be vigilant; Quinn may come again 7. Read the Creation when and where you can; learn every detail 8. Every night, pray that the Six may deem you fit to be reincarnated as a draglin 9. Every morning, thank the Six for their gift of blood 10. Take action to restore the glory of Dagonor in your home, heart, mind, and body


The Priest is the leader. Under him are three sub-Priests, and under each sub-Priest are three more Appointed. The Priest acts as the ultimate guide of faith, the sub-Priests as his consultants, stand-ins, and counselors for those in need. The Appointed act as counselors, and relay information and ideas spread in the general congregation to their sub-Preist. The Priest wears a golden necklace with the symbol of Dagonor. The sub-Priests wear the same, in silver, and the Appointed wear earrings of silver.   The General and their subordinates have no markings, although they have a similar hierarchy. One General, three Colonels, and nine Commanders. They act in military exercises as guides and teachers.   Regular members are called the Elect.
Founding Date
Religious, Cult

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