Greensborough Families in Dracoshire Academy | World Anvil
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Greensborough Families

Greensborough is a very insular community, and as such most of the families know each other, or at the very least know of each other.   The old blood are known as the families who have been in town since the very beginning. Their ancestors were responsible for shaping Greensborough, and their families are highly regarded throughout the community.   The new blood tend to be highly regarded families with less of the history that the old blood have. This doesn't mean their families are new to Greensborough; in fact several new blood families have been here nearly as long as the old blood. However, they were not responsible for running or shaping the town in its early years. Their fame or infamy would have come much more recently, through current members of the family, or possibly as many as three generations back.   Newcomers to Greensborough are frequently referred to as flowers; the euphemism came from the farmers of the community back in the mid 1800s. It came from the idea that newcomers were quick to bloom, but equally as likely to leave or die out as they were to dig in their roots and become fruitful members of the town.   Strawberry families refers to working class of Greensborough. Initially it was shorthand for speaking of the farmers working in the community in the 1800s, but later evolved to encompass most families working in trade and agricultural professions.   Below is a list of notable families from Greensborough.  

Old Blood

New Blood

  • Bardell


  • Thorn
  • Drake
  • Millborm


  • Turner

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