Sea Madness in Draco Isles | World Anvil
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Sea Madness

A sailor froths and foams at the mouth, shouting incoherently with wild eyes.

d6 The madness afflicts...
1 a random PC
2 the captain
3 an NPC officer
4-6 a member of the crew

d4 The first noticeable symptoms are...
1 virtually indistinguishable from melancholy
2 an incredible thirst for sea water, and an intolerance of alcohol
3 small, starfish-shaped and itchy skin lesions, followed by eyebrow loss
4 redness between the fingers and toes, as webbing begins to slowly form, followed by a sore neck and shortness of breath

d6 A common old seawife's cure is...
1 four spoonfuls of anchor shavings and a haircut, but only after the boat was moored during a full moon
2 throwing all cups and cutlery aboard into the sea
3 seal's liver served in a spicy salmangundi. The right peppers are said to grow on land that's only a few days' sail away
4 blood-letting via thirsty lampreys
5 marriage to a merfolk - the sickness will return if the patient ever neglects or speaks ill of their spouse
6 stich 'em up through their nose in their hammock and toss 'em in the drink before the whole ship goes mad

d8 It has long been suspected to be caused by...
1 a diet rich in seafood, but poor in fruits and vegetables
2 ship rats, whispering in a sleeping sailor's ear
3 the steady, interminable rocking motion of a life at sea
4 accidentally catching sight of the Evil Eye pattern on a turtle's shell
5 the venom of a tiny, snowflake-like jellyfish
6 a Krakenbride fouling the grog
7 drinking sea water and sleeping on watch
8 what else could it be, but a sign of the sea goddess's favor... or displeasure?

d20 The form the madness takes is that...
1 The afflicted retreats into their mind, becoming paralyzed. The effect ends if they take damage, but begins anew after 10 minutes
2 The afflicted becomes incapacitated with screams, laughter, or inconsolable weeping
3 The afflicted is frightened of every other creature, and must flee from the source of their fear
4 The afflicted begins to babble, and is incapable of normal speech or spellcasting
5 The afflicted becomes enraged, attacking the nearest creature each round
6 The afflicted experiences vivid hallucinations
7 The afflicted follows any commands they receive that aren't obviously self-destructive
8 The afflicted experiences an overpowering urge to eat something strange, such as dirt, slime, or offal
9 The afflicted thinks every other creature is more powerful than it, and treats them with either respect or fear.
10 The afflicted thinks its power became overwhelming, and hardly ever attacks out of fear of breaking the world.
11 The afflicted believes everything to be a conspiracy- this town is run by doppelgangers, the king is a dragon in disguise, the Gods aren't real, etc.
12 The afflicted suffers from autocannabalism, and finds the taste of their own flesh more delicious than anything else.
13 The afflicted hears the voice of their grandmother (or similar familial character) occasionally telling them to kill people.
14 The afflicted doesn't feel safe alone, and will panic unless accompanied by another character.
15 The afflicted person seems to think they have switched bodies with the first person they see every day.
16 The afflicted believes they are invisible, regardless of any evidence to the contrary
17 The afflicted has vivid nightmares of charnel hounds catching them and tearing at their flesh. Upon waking, they can still hear the hounds growling and breathing behind them. The symptoms become so severe that they hallucinate being attacked by the hounds and can feel pain (1d6 psychic damage) when they bite.
18 The afflicted is completely convinced that they have been made god over something incredibly small, specific, and pointless, and they make sure everyone knows about their newfound divinity.
19 The afflicted knows, without a doubt, that they are the real, biological parent of someone else (ideally, a PC and they want to make it up to their child for never having realized this before.
20 The afflicted contracts dragon sickness, stealing any valuable item they see and stashing them away in a secret "hoard" - they will deny the behavior until someone finds the hoard, and then will attack in a rage to defend their trove

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