Zelmors Species in Dousmundus | World Anvil
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Deep in the heart of Infraterra, there lived a species unlike any other. Known as the Zelmors - demonic warriors, proud, fierce, powerful beings from ancient times. Their bodies were honed in battle, minds focused on victory at all costs. They had skin as black as the night sky and eyes that glowed with an otherworldly light.
As centuries passed, the Zelmors continued to thrive and evolve. They became even more deadly and skilled in the art of war. They learned to harness their natural powers, channeling their inner demon to summon incredible strength and speed. Despite their formidable abilities, they remained mysterious and enigmatic, their true nature shrouded in mystery to outsiders. For a long time the Zelmors had ruled their kingdom with an iron fist, enforcing strict traditions and customs that had been passed down through the generations. They had a deep reverence for their history and their Zelmors Gods .
But despite their unyielding dedication to tradition, the Zelmors were not entirely closed-minded. They were always on the lookout for new challenges and opportunities to prove their worth, and so it was that when aliens arrived in their land, they did not turn them away or act aggressively. These beings, who called themselves the
Lumis, were unlike anything the Zelmors had ever seen. They had silver skin that shimmered in the light and eyes that glowed with an otherworldly energy. They spoke of technologies and abilities that were beyond the Zelmors' wildest dreams.
At first, many Zelmors were skeptical of these outsiders, dismissing them as mere interlopers. They saw no need for the Lumis advanced technologies, believing that their own traditional practices were more than sufficient. But as time went on, some Zelmors began to see the potential benefits of this partnership. They experimented with new forms of magic and weaponry, incorporating Lumis technology into their own ancient practices.
Not everyone was happy with these changes, however. There were those among the Zelmors who clung stubbornly to tradition, convinced that any deviation from their customs would lead to ruin. They believed that the Zelmors had always been chosen by the gods to lead their people, and that any outsider influence could only lead to corruption and downfall.
Despite these conservative voices, the Zelmors continued to adapt. They retained their serious demeanor and their fierce dedication to their craft, but they also embraced new ideas and technologies. They became known throughout Infraterra as formidable warriors, feared and respected by all who knew them.

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