Thallos Character in Dousmundus | World Anvil
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Thallos, the god of the hunt and the wilderness, was one of the most revered deities among the Zelmors. He was known for his exceptional hunting skills, which he passed on to his followers, and his mastery of the natural world. According to legend, Thallos was born in the heart of the densest forest in Infraterra, which he claimed as his home.    As a young god, Thallos spent his days exploring the wilderness and hunting for his own food. His mastery of the bow and arrow was unmatched, and he was said to be able to track his prey for days without rest.   As the Zelmors grew in power and number, they began to seek Thallos' guidance in their own hunts. Thallos became their patron, and the Zelmors began to revere him as a god.   Thallos was said to be a stern and serious deity, but he had a deep love for the natural world and the creatures that inhabited it. He was known to punish those who hunted without respect for the balance of nature, but he also rewarded those who honored the spirits of the forest and the creatures within it.   To honor Thallos, the Zelmors always strived to hunt with respect and love for nature, they would venture deep into the wilderness to hunt for their food and had a ritual in which they thanked Thallos.   As the Zelmors' territory expanded, they built their cities and fortresses on the fringes of the wilderness, always mindful of the balance of nature and the importance of their connection to the wild. And through it all, Thallos watched over them, the god of the hunt and the wilderness.

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