Nightmarket Geographic Location in Doskvol | World Anvil
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Nightmarket is a district dominated by commerce. Situated near Gaddoc Rail Station, Nightmarket receives the bulk of salable foods from the cargo trains that travel across the Imperium, bringing the exotic and rare to Duskvol. The citizens that call nightmarket home constitute a new class of 'eletes' wealthy people who are not of noble descent but nevertheless claim land, states and power without titles. the district has been taken over by new construction, introducing lavish private townhouses with all of the modern advances for the elites that can afford them.   The newly constructed private townhouses that pervade this area, the elite of the city move between their residences and private clubs. They walk masked and partake of strange pleasures. At wooden market stalls vendors ply their wares beneath Electric lights with a riot of colours. at dimly lit street corners devout acolytes bow in silent prayer to statues of the Night Queen, the districts adopted forgotten god. From the underground stone shops and clubs Multi level wooden platforms and boardwalks lead to landscaped parks fo petrified trees from the deathlands.


  • Nightmarket

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