Ilysia Settlement in Doskvol | World Anvil
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Ilysia is a modern city for a modern age, when deposits of valuble minerals were found here in the same coal pits that had been mined for centuries this city quickly ballooned in size. Originally home to the Immortal Emperor the city grew and prospered under his rule. With his stewardship around the pits manufacturing rapidly developed and the political and military might of the city. After the Departure of the Emperor from here to a more permanent home in the Imperial City the guild and merchant families once held in check now vie in a brutal cold war against one another for power. It is now a rough city, with law and order providing little in the way of security. Here the great manufacturing houses control the supply and demand for work, forcing the citizens into their proxy clashes. In one year, one such house might strike a new valuable vein and suddenly rise in power, the next it might run dry, its promise of power depleted. Between the workshops and the pits there is little to envy of life in Ilysia, gangs work at the behest of the houses and citizens try to keep their heads down. Despite its distance Ilysia also suffered greatly during the Unity war. Under the promise of employment many Skovlanders came to end up working in the mines here. During the unity war many of these Skovlanders ended up committing acts of sabotage and destruction across the city, hoping to disrupt the Imperial influence here. Because of this Ilysia is now possibly the city any Skovlander would find most openly hostile to them, baring them work or aid.

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