The Zantal Ethnicity in Dorthone | World Anvil
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The Zantal

The Zantal are a group of tribal people who live in the Northern Tundra. They are a warlike, pastoral culture, traveling in small tribes, staking a claim to life in their barren landscape. They are a very large group of people but a lack of unity has prevented them from becoming a major player on the world stage.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Most feminine names are short, usually only two to three letters and contain the sounds "a" and "i", especially at the end of the name. Common female first names include: Za, Ki, Lai, Tei, Zai and things of that nature.

Masculine names

Most masculine names are short, usually only one syllable and typically contain the sounds "e" and "u", especially at the end of the name. Common male first names include: Te, Gu, Leu, Ku and things of that nature.

Family names

All last names contain two syllables, the first is the feminine syllable and the second is the masculine. When a Zantal couple gets married, they create a new last name from the first syllable of the females last name and the second of the male. For example, if the female's last name was KaaZel and the male's was TelKan, when they get married their new family name would be KaaKan. All of their children would also have this family name until they get married themselves.

Other names

All members of the Zantal receive the honorific title of "Pol" when they are married. An unmarried man will be referred to as Gu TelKan or simply Gu but when he is married his will be referred to as Pol Gu, just Pol (usually by their children) or in official settings Pol Gu KaaKan. Both genders share the honorific "Pol" title". Furthermore, when either party of a marriage dies, the surviving member receives the honorific title of YuPol, which functions in the same way.


Major language groups and dialects

The Zantal have many languages stemming from the same root, referred to as simply Zantal. Although, all the tribes have slightly different dialects and words, most Zantalian's can communicate with each other on a basic level. The language mostly consists of short, harsh syllables. The Zantal do not have a written language, as they do not often participate in trade and have an oral story telling tradition.

Common Dress code

It is incredibly cold in the Northern tundra, meaning that Zantalian's typically wear heavy clothes, most made of Kuun Wool. They are also easily identified by leather face masks that cover their mouths and hats to stop the wind.

Art & Architecture

As a pastoral society, the Zantal don't live in permeant homes while the are on the move, instead living in tents. Precipitation is rare so it does not often snow, meaning that they have never had a need. As for art, since the Zantal are most often fighting for survival in the tundra they don't have much in the way of art tradition, but they do often carve animal bones, both into weapons and into art, along with decorating their leather armor and facemarks with rock and bone beads.

Coming of Age Rites

When a Zantal child turns 16 they are given a baby Kuun that they are expected to raise and eventually ride. This signifies that they have move from being a child to an adult. While the ceremony is not big spectacle or celebration, it affords the young adult the right to get married, live in their own tent and go on raids.

Common Taboos

The biggest Zantal taboo is not getting married. An unmarried adult is treated with distain and the older the unmarried person gets, the worse it becomes. Eventually, they will be unable to care for themselves and they will find themselves left behind. Thus unmarried Zantal in their middle age tend to seek death in battle.


Gender Ideals

In Zantal culture, men and women are both incredibly respected and it is equally likely to see a female leading a tribe as it is to see a male. Both genders participate in raids and combat. However, women are typically responsible for herding animals, tending to flocks and capturing new animals and men tend to gather food and hunt animals that aren't able to be domesticated.

Courtship Ideals

Due to marriage affording privilege and respect to Zantalians, most get married young, almost as soon as they come of age at 16, often planning their marriage long before. Typically most members of a tribe are on good terms and so men and women pair up based on age proximity and generally know who they are going to marry at a very young age. However, the woman is ultimately responsible for choosing the man and a marriage cannot take place unless she formally asks with both sets of parents present when both parties are of age.

Relationship Ideals

Marriage and the family unit is valued incredibly highly in Zantal culture. Getting married and having children grants Zantalian's lots of social privileges, meaning that divorces and remarriages are almost nonexistent. Tribe relationships tend to be an extension of familial relationships. Loyalty to your leader and fellow warriors is expected and any feuds within the tribe are seen as petty, leading both parties to be ostracized. Teamwork within the tribe is the ultimate goal.

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