The Creation - Explanation Myth in Dorakor | World Anvil
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The Creation - Explanation

The most spread dragon myth in Dorakor

Written by Skia

At first there was nothing. From that nothing, an egg suddendly appeared. When the egg hatched. A golden dragon, with shiny and coloured mane, snake-like body with no wings, stretched his limbs, surrounded by nothingness.
— Unknown, from The Book of Dorakor


Dragons have a number of different myths, and this one is one of the oldest one recorded. According to this legend, the Golden Dragon (Siriakor) created all the other Gods, and then the universe. All of them then decided to create life, and their greatest creation, made of all their element combined, were the dragons. Before leaving, they then decided to gift dragons an artifact called the Statues of the Elders, from which the Elemental fragment came from.

Historical Basis

The myth doesn't have much historical basis, and was, in fact, disproven by the wyvernians' science. According to them, the universe was instead created by a big explosion, dubbed in draconic "Magaror Grogor". After the events of the Second Great Dragon-Wyvern war however, it became clear that those dieties do, in fact, exist. Whether they are actually gods or just extraplanetary entities, it's not sure. As for the Statue of the Elders, it is sure it existed thanks to the Elemental Fragment, but they are too old and ruined to know who exactly created it.


This myth is possibly the most well known draconic legend. It is the base of all the draconic religion, as it explains who the gods are and where they came from.

Variations & Mutation

There are some variation of it. The most well known variation of it, is the Wyverns creation myth. Their religion is monotheistic, based entirely around Sivuldruor, the God of Poison. According to them, he didn't need to create any more gods, and he created the wyverns first, instead of dragons.

Cultural Reception

Dragons of course value highly the myth, even those who don't actually believe in it literally. Some other races however don't believe in it at all, especially wyvernians, thanks to their technological advancement and their scientific theories, and the wyverns, who have their own version of it. As for the humans, it changes depending on where they are from, but there are some settlements, especially in the east, who believe in it.

In Literature

The myth was first narrated by an unknown author in The Book of Dorakor. After that there have been numbers of poems and books which tried to describe the narration better.
Date of First Recording
Around 1600 B.F.
Date of Setting
The events take place on the beginning of time.
Telling / Prose
Related Ethnicities

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Cover image: The Dragon Gods by Skia


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