Greater Western Species in Dorakor | World Anvil
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Greater Western

The main type of western dragon

Written by Skia

The bigger cousin of the Common Western as the name suggests, the Greater Western is one of the most common species in Dorakor. It's pretty much the first creature you see when thinking about western dragons in general. They are great, winged beast, covered in scales of various colours. There's a number of famous dragons belonging to this species, the most famous of them all being Garagor, also known as "the Phantom of the Sands", a criminal that took his stand against Tadador, the dragon leader of the wyvern in the Second Great Dragon-Wyvern War.  
Greater Western reference sheet by Skia

Basic Information


General description: the Greater Western has 1-3 horns on the tip of its snout, a pair of horns on the back of the head and finned ears. It also has spikes on the back of its jaw, under the eyes, on the neck and on the back of its arms, and from the end of the neck to the tip of the tail. Fins grow on the back of the head to the end of the neck. It has some sturdy plates that protect the belly and the snout. The front paws have 5 fingers, with an opposable thumb, while the back ones only have 4, plus one that is backwards, similar to a bird of prey. The tip of the tail is shaped like an arrow tip. There's no sexual dimorphism in this species, so male and female look alike.
Physical variations: 2-3 horns on the tip of its snout, more spikes, spikes at the end of the tail, two pair of horns on the back of the head, more fins near the neck

Genetics and Reproduction

Just like all the dragons, they are oviparous. One nest can usually have up to 4 eggs, although usually there are only 1 or 2. The colour of the egg varies depending on the colours and marking of the hatchlings. It takes about 30 days for each egg to hatch. The hatchlings will depend on the parents for at least a couple of decades, after which while still being very young they are able to freely leave the nest, find food and survive.

Growth Rate & Stages

Great western dragons grow quite fast compared to other dragons. It takes only 80 years to fully become adults. They can live up 800 years.

Ecology and Habitats

While it's perfectly capable of surviving in pretty much any kind of environment, it usually prefers deciduous forests and alpine areas. Those who decide to live alone make a lair in caves or deep into the forest. Some of the more sociable ones usually travel around dragon cities to find a house or apartment they like.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like most dragon species, Greater Westerns are omnivorous, but usually prefer meat. How they obtain said food changes depending on the lifestyle of the dragons. City dragons are used to just buy what they need from markets and stores. Keriadrakudor, however, are usually forced to hunt or forage by themselves, and they aren't afraid to attack humans' livestock.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

It's common for human knights, especially dragonslayers, to hunt those dragons for their scales, as they make the perfect, fire resistant armour. Horns are also very popular in the wyvernian black market.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Greater western dragons are one of the most common dragon species, which also means they can be found all over the world.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Being a western dragon, its main ability is to breath fire, thanks to an organ that produces a special gas that ignites when in contact with air. Its hearing and sight are also far more developed compared to a human. In addition to a powerful sense of smell, it also possess what's called "Jacobson's organ", which is what allowes snake to "smell" the air with their tongues.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Greater Westerns are the single reason why naming hatchlings after the elements or colour is such a common tradition. While not as prominent nowdays, those kind of names are still really popular between them.

Major Organizations

Being dragons, they share the major organizations with the other. You can read more about it here: Dragons

Beauty Ideals

The beauty ideals are similar to the other western dragons: bigger wings make for a more attractive partner. In addition, however, it's also taken into consideration the size and colourfulness of their main fin, and the number and size of their snout horn.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The language spoken by Greater Westerns is Draconic . Some of them may study other languages for their jobs but the main one is always Draconic.

Common Etiquette Rules

Besides the usual dragon greetings, it's common for Greater Westerns to move their biggest fin up and down to greet each other. This causes misunderstandings with thunder dragons, for which the gesture means challenging someone.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

It's a tradition to wear a special family hearing on a dragon's 400th birthday. It symbolized the change of generations once the dragon reaches the middle of their life, and what it's considered their prime. If a family has more than one hatchling, they will forge copies of it to give all of them one. The hearing is always passed on from generations, and not wearing it means the dragon wants to cut their connection to the family.

Common Taboos

Besides the usual taboos that apply to all dragons, Greater Westerns consider one losing their biggest fin on their head, as it is, to them, a sign of pride, and their main way to comunicate their emotion. In the past, it would have been shameful for a soldier to lose their fin in battle. Nowdays that's not as common as there isn't a war going on, but sometimes rebellious teens will cut it on purpose to go against tradition. It doesn't happen a lot however.


This part of the article is a work in progress, sorry!

Historical Figures

The most famous Greater Western is Garagor, also known as "the Phantom of the sands". There are also been a number of kings and queens of this species in the past, due to the species being so common.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Great wester dragons are relatively sociable and they will gladly live with other dragons is big or small cities. Keriadrakudor are relatively uncommon compared to the number of Greater Westerns, as they would rather spend time with others. They are usually neutral when it comes to creatures besides dragons, but they rarely try on purpose to pick a fight with them, especially with wyverns or wyvernians. The only exception are humans, as some dragons will attack their settlement for food instead of hunting.
Scientific Name
Chordata, Ignidentia, Ignialae, Draconidae, Draco major
Western dragon
800 years
Related Ethnicities
Average height
7-10 m
Average length
Average wingspan
Common scale colours
green, red, gray, white, blue
Rare scale colours
gold, orange, purple
Eye colours
green, gold, blue, gray, brown
Common markings
none, striped, spotted, jungle (leopard gecko morph)
albino (very rare), melanistic (very rare), bell (leopard gecko morph - uncommon)


Primary element: fire
Secondary (passive) element: metal
Attack: 7/10
Elemental attacks: 5/10
Defense: 6/10
Elemental defense: 6/10
Ground speed: 4/10
Aerial speed: 5/10

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Cover image: Greater Western reference sheet by Skia


Author's Notes

My very first dragon species article. Still a wip till I actually iron out some more world lore things. Sorry about that!

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