Common Hydra Species in Dorakor | World Anvil
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Common Hydra

The multiple heads dragon

Written by Skia

Hydras are one of the most peculiar species of dragons. With their multiple heads, each one with a different personality, they may seem scary at first, but they are actually pretty friendly, since they are so used to being together with others.
by Skia

Basic Information


General description: The Common Hydra is peculiar because it usually has 5 heads. Each head presents a pair of horns on the back and one on the tip of its snout. It also has spikes on the back of its jaw, under the eyes, on the neck and from the back of the head to the tip of the tail. It has some sturdy plates that protect the belly. The front paws have 4 fingers, while the back ones only have 3. There's no sexual dimorphism in this species, so male and female look alike.
Physical variations:
3-7 heads, more spikes all over the body.

Genetics and Reproduction

Just like all the dragons, they are oviparous. One nest can usually have up to 3 eggs, although usually there are only 1 or 2. The colour of the egg varies depending on the colours and marking of the hatchlings. It takes about 60 days for each egg to hatch. The hatchlings will depend on the parents for at least a couple of decades, after which while still being very young they are able to freely leave the nest, find food and survive.

Growth Rate & Stages

Common Hydras grow quite slow compared to other dragons. It takes about 200 years to fully become adults. They can live up 1000 years.
It is also interesting to note that they do not, in fact, hatch with all their heads, but they grow them during the years. It usually takes 40 years for a head to fully mature. Also the main head will always be the biggest one of them all.

Ecology and Habitats

Common Hydras don't mind living in cities with other dragons, but if they choose to live alone, they prefer living next to the coasts or swamps.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Hydras, like other dragons, are omnivorous. They however prefer fish meat out of any other food, which is why they usually choose to live near large bodies of water. The multiple heads are also very useful when it comes to fishing.

Biological Cycle

Like most hydras, they aren't born with all the heads but just one. They develop the others with time, and it usually takes 40 years for a head to fully mature.This process usually repeats 4 more times, for a total of 5 heads, but there are cases of hydras with more or less heads. The main head is the one who is always in control of the body, and while the other heads can move their necks indipendently, they cannot move their limbs. Sometimes it may happen than one head becomes stunted during the growth process. Other dragons will sometimes use the derogatory term "Brekodortiror" to refer to them.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Hydra's poison is highly requested from wyvernians in their various science experiments. Human also think that eating an hydra's eye will grant you immortality.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like every hydras, the Common Hydra can breathe poisonous gas, and it uses it to slowly wear down its preys. While the number of heads may make you think otherwise, their hearing isn't actually as good, considering it is still a dragon. Its sense of smell however, it's excellent, and its sight benefits from the number of different eyes that can look in different directions. In addition, it also possess what's called "Jacobson's organ", which is what allowes snake to "smell" the air with their tongues. This is not however as developed as other dragons.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Hydras have a peculiar naming tradition that is only applied to them. The parents will give a name to the hatchling, and after that, each head will give a name to the newest one. For example, the first head will give the name to the second, the second to the third, and so on.

Major Organizations

Being dragons, they share the major organizations with the other. You can read more about it here: Dragons

Beauty Ideals

Overall, the more the heads an hydra has, the more attractive they will be for other hydras. This is, however, the opposite when it comes to other species of dragons, who aren't used to the multiple heads. That being said, the shininess of the scales is also taken into consideration.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The language spoken by Common Hydras is Draconic. Some of them may study other languages for their jobs but the main one is always Draconic.

Common Etiquette Rules

It's a common etiquette to bow each head one at a time when greeting others. It's also considered rude to let more than one head speak at a time when with other dragons.


Hydras aren't the oldest species, or the most common one, but they have an history for being the friendliest and the most pacifist, even more than Easterns are. Hydras were, in fact, the only dragon species to not take part to any of the wars against the wyverns. To this day they are still the most welcoming when it comes to other races, even tho not all of them exchange the favour.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Hydras are the most socialble out of all dragons. They will get along with literally every species they encounter. Keriadrakudor are extremely rare, because they are so used to having others around, they can't ever be truly alone anyways. They even refuse to attack humans unless provocked, and they get along with wyverns and wyvernians just fine.
Scientific Name
Chordata, Ignidentia, Multicaputideae, Hydrae, Hydra pentacephala
900 years
Related Ethnicities
Average height
10-15 m
Average length
Average wingspan
Common scale colours
gray, black, brown, dark green, dark blue
Rare scale colours
dark red, purple
Eye colours
green, gold, gray, brown, orange
Common markings
none, striped, spotted, king cheetah (cheetah morph)
albino (very rare), thylacine stripes (uncommon), python (uncommon)


Primary element: Poison
Secondary (passive) element: Earth
Attack: 7/10
Elemental attacks: 5/10
Defense: 8/10
Elemental defense: 6/10
Ground speed: 3/10
Aerial speed: -/10

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Cover image: by Skia


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