Common Drake Species in Dorakor | World Anvil
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Common Drake

Saber-toothed wolf-dragons

Written by Skia

Common drakes are pretty much the wolves of the dragon kind. They usually live in packs, and value their family more than anything else. While they are unable to fly due to the fact that they lack wings, they are actually really fast on the ground, thanks to their smaller size and overall build. They are specialized in working together and help eachother out in difficult situations, and in the wild they are a force to be reckoned with if angered while in a pack. And even when they are alone they aren't easy to take down either, thanks to their strong plating that covers their body. The main feature that also comes to mind when thinking about drakes are their saber-like teeth. It's a trait that only drakes have, and an easy way to recognize them from the rest, if their lack of wings wasn't already clear enough. This, paired with a fiery breath, their speed, and the fact that they are never alone makes them feared by most non-dragon races in Dorakor.
Common Drake Reference Sheet by Skia

Basic Information


General description: the Common Drake is a small, dragon creature. It has four legs and no wings. It has one pair of scales horns on the back of the head, and another pair right above the eyes. There are a number of spikes growing underneath the eyes and on the cheeks, which varies depeding on the individual. The general build is similar to the one of a saber-tooth tiger: strong, but still able to run to catch up with most preys. Its scales are pretty big, especially the ones on its back and belly, as they function similar to plates. The front paws have 4 fingers, one of which is an opposable thumb, and 4 on the back ones. The tip of the tail doesn't have a particular shape, but the tail itself resemble one of a crocodile, thanks to the plating and the scales. There is no sexual dimorphism in this species
Physical variations:
More spikes on the neck and at the end of the tail.

Genetics and Reproduction

Just like all the dragons, they are oviparous. One nest usually only have 3 or 4 eggs. The eggshell colour varies depending on the colour of the hatchlings inside. It takes about 80 days for each egg to hatch. The hatchlings will depend on the parents for at least 20 years, after which while still being very young they are able to freely leave the nest, find food and survive.

Growth Rate & Stages

Common drakes, like most drakes after all, have a relatively fast metabolism. It takes only 80 years to fully become adults, and can "only" live up to 800 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Common drakes, when living in the wild, prefer warmer environment, like deserts, savannahs, or planes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like most dragon species, Common Drakes are omnivorous, but usually prefer meat. When living as a Keriadrakudor however, they rarely attack the livestock, as it would not be enough to feed the entire pack.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Common drakes are known for their fiery breath, thanks to an organ that produces a special gas that ignites when in contact with air. Its hearing and sight are also far more developed compared to a human. In addition to a powerful sense of smell, it also possess what's called "Jacobson's organ", which is what allowes snake to "smell" the air with their tongues.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Being dragons, they share the major organizations with the other. You can read more about it here: Dragons

Beauty Ideals

The sabers are very important when it comes to beauty for a Common Drake. An individual with a broken saber will be considered uglier than one with both sabers in perfect conditions. This is because without their sabers, their ability to catch preys is reduced. For this reason, some drakes will choose to have prostetic sabers, to make them not look broken, or to even make them look bigger.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The language spoken by Common Drakes is Draconic .

Common Etiquette Rules

It's a common etiquette for Common Drakes to raise their heads and touch the other with their sabers. It's considered weird, and mildly dangerous, from the point of view of other dragons, but this hasn't stop them.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The most important think in the Drakes' culture is definitely the concept of the pack. The pack comes first, even before the single individual. This is because they evolved as pack hunters, and even now that they are fully sentient and can live in cities, the mentality hasn't changed. The concept of pack, however, has: a "pack" now symbolises any family member AND close friend of the dragon, regardless of their gender and race.

Common Taboos

It is considered a taboo to abandon their pack at all time, no matter what. If one decides to do that, they will receive the title of "Rok", which can be roughly translated to "alone", and they won't be included in a pack ever again.

Historical Figures

The most famous historical figure of this dragon species is definitely Riudoror, one of the dragons who were part of Garagor's group, who together stopped the Second Great Wyvern-Dragon War.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Drakes, as mentioned before, usually prefer to live in packs. Be it their family, friends, they can't seem to be able to stay alone. They will consider their pack anyone close to them, which includes any other creature, be it a dragon or not. They especially enjoy the company of gryphons, and it's not too rare to see them together.
Scientific Name
Chordata, Ignidentia, Ignialae, Celersquamae, Celeresquama incendiara
800 years
Conservation Status
Common Drakes, as the name suggest, are extremely common, if not one of the most common dragon species in the west of Dorakor.
Related Ethnicities
Average height
2 m
Average length
5-6 m
Average wingspan
Common scale colours
gray, black, brown, orange
Rare scale colours
red, gold
Eye colours
gold, orange, silver
Common markings
none, striped, saddle, thylacine
albino (very rare), melanistic (uncommon), piebald (uncommon)


Primary element: Fire
Secondary element: Earth
Attack: 7/10
Elemental attacks: 4/10
Defense: 5/10
Elemental defense: 3/10
Ground speed: 8/10
Aerial speed: -/10

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Cover image: Common Drake Reference Sheet by Skia


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