Menril Trees Species in Dopamirosa | World Anvil
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Menril Trees

Menril Trees are blue-leaved trees uniquely found with the Meneglin Forest. Though mostly unknown to the common peasant, the Menril Tree is a definite for anyone wanting to call themselves a wizard. It has garnered this reputation due to it's ability to produce the highly-reactive Menril, a material even the most experienced of transmutators cannot synthesize. The process in which the trees produce this substance is unknown, as the wood that it is contained within is one of the few materials able to hold Menril in it's liquid form. Processes of extracting the liquid require much effort and often yield little in the way of product.

Basic Information


A tall trunk emerges from the soil, flanked on all sides by large above-ground roots that gradually dig into the ground. It is believed that these roots extract water from the ground and start the Menril production process. The trunk extends into a large, bushy blue covering of leaves, with Menril Berries growing on the branches if the climate allows. These berries are luminescent when ripe, attracting creatures of all sizes to taste the metallic-sweet, slightly crunchy bounty. Some even say it tastes magical!

Growth Rate & Stages

The time from sapling to mature tree is unknown. Few saplings have survived research and the trunk gives varying answers.

Ecology and Habitats

Menril trees keep their leaves up until the very coldest of days, when the Menril inside completely freezes. They quickly regain them as the first blooms of spring begin.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The trees on their own have no sensory capabilities, but they have formed a symbiotic relationship with the Beilsprue, in which the flower feeds off of the Menril within the roots and transforms it into Beilsprue Nectar. This nectar acts as a sensory trigger, wildly reacting to any form of disturbance nearby in an almost beautiful spectacle of light and sound-- which wards off potential threats to the tree.
Conservation Status
The Menril Trees are as old as recorded Dopamirosa history, meaning damage done to the trees is often irreversible. Inhabitants of Duredhel have learned to coexist with the forest surrounding them, and defend the trees and wildlife within from corruption and greed. However, their efforts are being counteracted by an increasing presence of those trying to find a mechanical solution to Menril extraction. These Dwarves and Humans are damaging the forest at a slow, but noticeable rate-- much to the dismay of Duredhel. There have been many confrontations between the opposing sides that thankfully end in peace. For now.
Geographic Distribution

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