Infernal Blood Condition in Dominion | World Anvil
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Infernal Blood

Centuries ago, the Queen Pandora was seduced by the Demon High Prince Beelzebub. She bore a half-demon son from their union, Zemillion. From then on, the Royal Family's bloodline carried infernal blood. At first, the blood was strong enough that the royals appeared demonic themselves, with Zemillion living four centuries, with horns and reddish skin and a tail, but as the bloodline became more diluted the signs grew less and less obvious. Now, the Royal Family still carries a little of the effects, with their supernaturally bright eyes, vision in the darkness, slightly extended lifespans and affinity for magic.   Branch families also exhibit these traits. There have been various phases amongst the nobility. For a while, they determined to spread as much of their demonic blood as possible, but after the IndigoUprising the main branch of the family decided to attempt to keep the bloodline pure, preserving their power and its exclusivity. They wed cousins, then brothers to sisters, for decades, the blood staving off the effects of the incest for a while. Eventually, the birth of King Atlas marked a turning point. Born blind and deformed, he was considered the family's shame, and they broke tradition and began to marry outsiders once more. But the blood was then even further diluted, as the remaining nobles had married ordinary humans. Some of the branch families did continue this practice however, including the infamous line descended from Tarvil.

Transmission & Vectors



Improved eyesight, vision in darkness, extended lifespan, affinity for magic, unnaturally bright eyes, pallour to skin.


Resistance to disease.

Affected Groups

The Royal Family.
Chronic, Congenital

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