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Eleint 14, 912AP

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This magical land is home to a slew of both familiar and unusual races, monsters, and architecture. It has a vast history that has mostly been unrecorded and undiscovered, leaving troves of treasures hidden throughout.   Throughout Domina, there were Fonts of pure magic that sprouted from the World River: the same place where Druids get their powers. The raw energy that poured from these locations attracted all manners of people and creatures. Those that were able to harness it made good use of it, crafting items to contain their magic that now lie scattered throughout the lands.   Because of their value, wars have been waged over these Fonts for the ownership of the land around them. When their resources were depleted and deemed useless, the settlements that were once built around them usually up and left entirely in search of new ones.   Over nine centuries ago, there was a sudden pulse in Domina that seemed to affect the Fonts. Since then, the Fonts have began to die and lose their power. This event is what started the new era, where the Dominas now base their current year off of. It also began the most dangerous time in all of recorded history, as various positions of power scrambled to claim whatever Fonts they could before they were gone.

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