Book 3 House of Lament Session 14 Report in Domains of Dread | World Anvil
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Book 3 House of Lament Session 14

General Summary

When asked, Ezmerelda d'Avenir  informs the group that the house they’re exploring was last owned by a wealthy family of the name Halvcrest and Dr. Van Ricthen had suspected it of being a “sink hole” or a locations that attracts evil entities because of the sheer number of malicious acts that have occurred there.   Ezmerelda and Ozrek have a brief conversation about his newly acquired gun, indicating that he may have stolen it from someone in Barovia that may retaliate against its theft.   Exhausted after traveling from Barovia and exploring the house, the group decides to take a long rest in the séance room while taking turns on watch. The group splits into three watches with Ezmerelda taking a watch on her own, insisting that the kids sleep the entire night despite their protests. During Victor and Ozrek’s watch, Ozrek informs Victor that he is one of the undead, which seems to surprise Victor. Victor does admit he does not need to eat or sleep, so perhaps it is true. When asked, Ozrek says he is a man with a future bringing good to the world through Ezra’s message. The two are so engrossed in their conversation that they miss the fact that Kass and Norikami disappear while sleeping.   Kass found herself sitting behind a desk of a large office. A man appears in the room and sits on the same seat as if she is not truly there. He takes out a scale and coins labeled with Kass’s past sins and virtuous acts. The scales teeter, never quite leaning one way or another before she wakes. Kass was certain she was in that office, but upon awakening was in the séance room once more.   Norikami finds himself under the sheets of an unknown bed. Something with long claws made of dark shadows is in the bedroom with him, he sees glowing red eyes and cowers under the blankets in fear. Much like Kass, Norikami knew he was in that room, but when he awoke he was back in the séance room.   Victor’s sees the same woman go through a murderous rampage through a stone keep.   That night Ozrek dreamt of a woman with dark cropped hair and sharp, foxlike features wearing the same red armor that the group found at the top of the tower leading an army of disgruntled soldiers towards a dark keep.   During Ezmerelda’s watch, Norimaki had a dream about the same woman shouting as she moved forward to attack a knight with glowing blue eyes in a skull-shaped helm. Kass had a dream about the same woman being sealed into the walls of the house by the same man wearing a skull-shaped helm. When the group discussed their visions, Ezmerelda said she saw a lady matching the same description of the lady they all saw sealing someone into the walls of a stone keep. After which, Norikami suggests he wear the red armor they found, then after refusing to let Firan   identify the armor with magic, dons it. Kass uses the magical tunic she obtained from the Fey Market at the Carnival to look like the armor as well.   After looking in on of the chimneys, a cinnamon chip muffin appears in the empty fireplace for Norikami. He bites into it and it tastes rather delicious, but when he looks at the muffin a mummified finger is sticking out of it. He throws it away in disgust.   Location the kitchen, the group finally discovers the Chimney Witch. The Chimney Witch appears and attacks the group, who easily defeat her. Shortly after their encounter, Firan informs the group that Ezmerelda sent him to bring them back as the spirit they were communicating with is about to do so again.   The group holds a second séance. This time the spirit tells them to “Restore her shield”. The group asks if the spirit is referring to Ezra’s shield and the spirit replies “yes”. After speaking with the spirit through the spirit board, the group gathers that they have to obtain a rose to restore the shield which is located upstairs.   The group goes back to the greenhouse and upon entering, the rusty garden tools begin to levitate. Ozrek, however, convinces the spirit that they wish to restore Ezra’s shield and are only there to help. The tools crash down onto the tables they were on and a single living plant appears. Ozrek recognizes the plant as belladonna or wolvesbane, the plant that adorns Erza’s symbol. Taking the plant, the group proceeds to explore upstairs in search of Erza’s shield.   Upstairs the group finds the bedroom Norikami believes he was taken to previously and Kass notices claw marks under the bed as if something large dragged someone beneath it. Victor finds a puppet designed to resemble a vampire with a pale painted wooden face with fangs and blood drops upon it wearing a cape.   While exploring the morning room Kass sees a large fiery red eye just outside the window as if it was watching them. She recognizes this as the symbol of Darkon where it is said that Azalin, the Wizard King of Darkon, can see through any of these symbols which can be found throughout the land. Kass believes Azalin is watching them and because of this thinks something else may be going on there. Norikami closes the window curtains despite Kass not thinking that will make much of a difference.   In a nearby bedroom, Victor can hear the feint sound of someone coughing, a sound Norikami here’s as well as he approaches the bed. A disgusting plague ridden undead throws back the blankets it was under and attacks the group. They destroy this creature and find evidence of medication within the room.   The group discovers the office Kass believed she was in previously. There they discover the Deed to the House (Ruins of Castle Laventz; prior owners: Lady Mara Silvra, Dalk Dranzorg, Lord Coron Silvra; dates unknown), Laren Halvcrest’s Will that indicates he died of disease of the lung, a blue dragon belt, and a pistol with 49 silver bullets.
Report Date
14 Jun 2022

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