Phandalin town Settlement in DnD story | World Anvil
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Phandalin town

Phandalin is a small town located at the foot of the mountains, it's predominantly made of log cabins set on old pale field-stone foundations, about 50 in total. Most of the foundations are beginning to crumble away and are covered in thick layers of ivy and moss, the end of summer showing in there new red and ornage colours. The log walls on top show signs of rot and damage near the bases evidence that they have not been maintained in months. Most of the cabins lack proper windows being boarded up or just possessing thick curtains to cover the gaps the windows should be in. A small ivy wrapped stone building in the far corner of town labelled 'Barthen's Provisions' clearly stands out against the wood huts, the end of summer not showing signs of having an effect yet, lush green vegetation encircling the hut inspite of the rest of the town plants turning there autum shades. A tall building made of predominantly wood with clearly more southern influences sits across the road to the town hall. The sign out front reading 'Stonehill inn', the inn is the most obtuse building in the town overshadowing even the lush greens around the Provisions store. The town hall resides in the centre of town, the only other building in town that is more than one story high, its the only building made of red wood making it obvious against the Spruce and Oak wood houses. A spire made from 4 spruce logs panneled in ruch red wood planks and topped with a brass bell, the crest of the Order of the Holy Ark emblasened on its sides.   Ruins of what look to be burned down and rotted through houses surround the crude made stone wall that envelops the town. The wall is clearly made of stone pulled from the foundations of the ruined houses and in places it can be seen to have been built on top of an older wall, the clearly custom cut and shaped stone contrasting against the crude rudimentary wall with its dark almost slate appearance. A basic palisade is formed, separating a ruined manor on the hill from the town along with it forming a small pertrusion from the stone wall around a northern portion of the ruins.
Phandalin is at current time under attack by a hoard of goblins and bugbears. The hoard raids the town weekly cutting down the guard and is slowly reducing the towns population to the point where it wont be able to support itself for the coming winter. The outer farms have been burned and the guard is too few to effectivly patrol the few farms still working. Knights from the local lord have tried to relieve the attack but most have fallen trying and the bugbears are seen to actively hunt the few who have stayed behind after they were recalled by the local lords.   With the town abandoned by most of the knights and the guard falling in droves the King has declared the town lost and has reasigned the army to create forts and castles to defend closer to the cities prioritising the larger populations over the villages surrounding them. Adventuring guilds send mercinaries and caravans of good to aid in evacuations and supporting the villages but Phandalin is to far from the front for them to be able to reach it and subsiquently it has been abandoned by all outside its walls.
Poppulation: 247 people.   Purpose: Ex-market town/Mining town.   Situation: Under attack/raid.

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