Sessie 01: "A Portal and a Murder" Report in Diving into Eberron | World Anvil
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Sessie 01: "A Portal and a Murder"

General Summary

One evening, the artificers of House Orien opened a Rift to another world. From the Rift stepped 5 dragonmarked. Four of them carrying dragonmarks from known houses. One of them carrying a new dragonmark: the half-orc Mohrdus. While accompanying Mohrdus to the Church of the Silver Flame together with the warforged bodyguard Rom TinkerBelle and the lizardfolk Charir, they stumbled across a murder. After the murderer ran off, they, together with a mysterious halfling bard, Erravan, were accused of committing the murder. Only after a long night, during which someone stole most of Charir's money, they were able to catch the real murderer, the shapeshifter Jak the Grin, largely thanks to the help of guardsman Kavel. The murderer quickly confessed to the crime, and in exchange for protective custody told the party Clan Boromar asked him to steal a letter Lobana Patrievna sent to a certain Morriks.
Report Date
01 May 2019

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