Fae Keeps Promises Myth in Divine Horizons | World Anvil
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Fae Keeps Promises


  The reality of the Fae is that they are apparent and ubiquitous in society. There are many stories and legends as to their origin, why they are here, what purpose they serve, their dedication and loyalty to their charge, but only one tale speaks as to the horrors to be realized if one chooses to be dishonorable with no intention for restitution.   It is not known if this story is simply to reinforce the disdain people have for Panasho, or to explain why one must act with honor in all their dealings to the best of their ability.  

The Story

  As we all know, the First Panasho Dynasty, led by Shogun Daichi Panasho, was a rather short-lived dynasty. With it lasting two years, the dishonor the house brought to Nakarado was second to none. This one individual set the tone for the entire collective future of Nakarado.   His first great act was to incinerate the records of the Old Gods and the Fae that were gifted to the peoples of Nakarado, declaring that the people must determine their fate. They are not to be held accountable to the interests of the Fae as decreed by the Concordat of the Fae's Promise. The Concordat was to be that the people of Nakarado are to keep the faith, live life with honor, or ruin may fall upon those who do neither, with some ruin being insurmountable. The Fae did not respond to this naked betrayal, so he and his loyal followers thought.   The Shogun estimated that if the Concordat was not to be enforced, he may live his life as he chose, and never by the dictates of the codes left behind. This carried on with his followers taking radical steps to consolidate the power of the Shogun from the disparate tribes of the ununified shogunate by any means necessary. War was a way of life for the people of Nakarado before the rise of this Shogun, but what Daichi Panasho did was different from before. When a clan would not surrender, he would have his men poison their wells, salting the earth, killing young, old, able, innocent. The sight of the fae ascending to the heavens in mass was considered a beautiful sight to the Shogun, despite the Fae companion he kept increasingly expressing a darker hue.   When the Shogun was offered battle, it was often won with deception and destruction of the will of the people to fight. While baiting one army, he'd have another band of his men flanking the clans, only to attack their people directly - the very people he aimed to rule. Those that survived, were forced to consume a strange Fungi, with many of his loyal companions offering the most beautiful of their captures, twisted by the Fungi, to his growing harem.   Where he walked, the skies were darker, the clouds were thicker as if threatening to rain, but the air was painfully dry. As he was always on the move, he never witnessed the promise of the Fae being slowly realized. As he finally settled in his home in what he renamed Panasho, it took but half a year before he realized his homeland, his keep, his most ardent followers could no longer grow their own crops, and desperation took hold. No amount of executions and imprisoning people could stem the tide of the growing darkness, where horrendous, twisted roots and unknowable creatures erupted from the earth, slaughtering his subjects. When his conquered peoples came to realize what was happening, they amassed one army to depose the Shogun, marching on his homeland to put him to rest for his crimes.   As the blood of his people and his subjects stained his home, the Fae sent a single representative to speak with his fae. It is said that the Fae offered him, in particular, a unique promise -   Take his own life before his supporters on the steps of his grand keep with the weapon he has slaughtered countless innocents with, and only then, will the Fae protect his only legitimate son from the hordes of angry people.   It was heard by others that he begged them to also restore his homeland to the former glory it once had.   The Fae only told him that he broke his promise. And as the Fae promised, ruin will fall on those who break the concordat for time immemorial.   To this, we know that the Fae do not forgive. But all we can depend on is the fact that Fae keeps promises.

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