The Ghost Letter Document in Distotia | World Anvil
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The Ghost Letter

The tragic tale of the Ghost Letter plagues Aluvan's nations as being one of the greatest disappointments of all time.  

The Context

About 100 years ago, a crashed capsule was found at the foot of Aluvan's mountains. This capsule was made out of beautiful chrome metal, and it opened extravagantly, with showy gears twisting and turning to reveal the package. Inside the capsule, there was a simple note. It read:
Your kingdom fascinates us, we'd like to set an alliance. Write us back on the third day, and we will bring gifts from beyond your realm.
Nobody had any clue who had written this, why it was formatted this way, or where to "write them back," but the prospect of receiving "gifts beyond [their] realm" was very exciting. Whatever Aluvan wrote back, it had better be good, as they needed to set this alliance. An alliance with supernatural beings could be potentially war-ending.  

The Letter

A council was called to discuss the content of the letter. Votes were casted, intense arguments were had, but eventually they came up with something. They had to nail this impression. Not too forward, not too casual. This is what they finally agreed on:
Hey. What's up?
The decision to write a period, rather than a comma, after the "Hey" was a heated one. They decided on a period as that would appear more formal. This, of course, was balanced out by the casual follow-up of "what's up?" That way, the mystery sender would be able to respond with something like "good," giving them a solid reason to write back. This was a genius strategy.   Confusion spread around the third line. Third day of what? Of the week? Did interdimensional beings follow the same weekly calendar as Distotians did? They decided to send the note three days after their discovery of the capsule.    The second problem was that they didn't know where to send it. They put it back where they found the other capsule, assuming that the beings would look their first. Eventually, the capsule did disappear. Great. Message delivered.  

The Response

There wasn't a response. That's why it's referred to as "The Ghost Letter." Nobody responded to it. They got ghosted.   This sparked a huge debate within the council. There were lots of "I told you so" comments. The whole thing was a mess. People started brainstorming reasons they didn't get a response back. Maybe the interdimensional beings had got the wrong plane of existence. Maybe they got in a huge conflict, and they were just too busy. Maybe the sender got in trouble, and somebody took away their pens and paper.   Everybody knows about The Ghost Letter, and most people nowadays think that the original letter was just a prank. Aluvan tries to hide this part of their history. They may have very well gotten their hopes up on some bored teenager's idea of a prank.

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Aug 5, 2021 01:53 by Laura VanArendonk Baugh

This was delightful fun, and I feel that comma vs period tone debate on a personal level. :D