Pixie Species in Disiden | World Anvil
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The Lurking Danger

Basic Information


Humanoid creatures the size of kittens with large, butterfly-like wings protruding from the lower back. Blank white eyes, with transparent eyelids that are always shut.

Biological Traits

Very high-pitched voices, high enough that the average adult human cannot hear half of what they say. Female pixies have deeper voices than male pixies.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Pixies are omnivorous creatures, and will use their magic, a form of hypnotization, to lure in their prey before killing it. Pixies never store their food, only going out and getting it when they need it. Cave and mountain pixies, who mostly eat plants, will spend most of their waking hours looking for food, and when they find it they eat even if they are not hungry.

Biological Cycle

In the wintertime, all types of pixies will grow new hair and skin that is completely free of melanin, making them white as snow. Come spring, their natural color returns.


Being soulless, pixies act very strange compared to the other sentient species in Disiden. Often indifferent, but feeling a strange anxiety that they cannot explain, the pixies are slow to relationships and quick to attack. Despite their sentience, pixies do not shy away from killing monsters, humans, fae and fairies, in order to get at their souls. They have a revulsion to eating people.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Pixies, being soulless, do not have emotionally-based relationships with each other. Rather, they will make alliances based on what each group or person is capable of providing to the other, for mutual benefit. Some pixies, especially Forest pixies, will form groups with one or multiple leaders, commonly pixies that have at least one soul. Mountain and Cave pixies, on the other hand, are more likely to be total loners, perhaps meeting one or two other pixies in their entire lifetimes, with which they will reproduce. Ocean pixies are the most emotional of all the pixies, most having souls and a strong sense of social duty.

Facial characteristics

Wide eyes, shiny smooth skin and curly or wavy hair. A straight-haired pixie is an uncommon sight.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Forest pixies mainly live in the Unclaimed Forest, sometimes venturing just barely into the lands of Klaea, Teritheya or Tsaraknit when desperate for souls. Mountain pixies live in the Sicatrin Mountains and the Fractis Mountains. Cave pixies live anywhere on the continent, below the ground. Cloud pixies live in the sky, using magic to keep the clouds steady so that they may live on a single cloud year-round.

Average Intelligence

Pixies are more intelligent than the average human, being proficient in making the worst of a bad situation and picking up new ideas quickly. However, they are more prone to despair and foolishness than many of the other races.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Pixies have a parasitic relationship with most species that they come across; killing and eating the animals that they can, and murdering people for their souls.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Naming is always in Ixish, either a word or phrase that the pixie's parents hope for them to embody, or worry that they will.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Pixish is a tonal language that only the pixies can understand, with their ears and voices being higher-pitched than what the average adult human can detect. Many pixies are also fluent in English and Latin.

Common Dress Code

Pixies make their clothes out of whatever is available, and some, especially Cave pixies, wear almost no clothes; just a strip of whatever they can find, as resources are not readily available in the caves.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Pixies view the other sentient species as a means to an end, just as they view each other: that end being souls. Pixies are born with no souls of their own, and thus they must steal them from those who have their own.
Scientific Name
Homunculus (little man)
33 years
Average Height
Average Weight
12 pounds
Average Physique
Pixies are almost always thin and lithe creatures. It is far more common to see a malnourished, boney pixie than a fat one.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Forest pixies are shades of brown, with moss green hair. Mountain and cave pixies are commonly shades of grey and brown. Plains Pixies are a bright, grassy green, and Ocean Pixies are shades of blue with white streaks in their hair.

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