Fairy Species in Disiden | World Anvil
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Souls and Magic

Just as the other sentient species present in Disiden, the fairy is born with a Soul. Like their Human cousins, fairy souls contain Traits, but quite unlike humans, each soul contains one primary trait, one secondary trait, and a seemingly random number of tertiary traits. The rare fairy soul contains all seven, but never in equal amounts. There will always be one trait that takes precedence above all others; and a second that takes precedence over the smallest of them. 

Basic Information


Humanoid creatures with glowing white skin. Bat-like wings protrude from the lower back.

Biological Traits

Fairies are small, thin, and weak people. They do not do well with illness or injury of any kind, and death in childbirth is common. Though fairies deteriorate much slower than the average human, and thus could concievably live to two hundred years, the vast majority die before their fortieth birthday.

Genetics and Reproduction

A fairy woman will typically be pregnant for six months before giving birth. The pregnancy is a very difficult time, and the woman must be supported physically, emotionally and magically or she and/or the baby will probably not make it.

Ecology and Habitats

Like humans, fairies can suit themselves to almost any environment. However, they prefer fairly temperate seasonal environments, especially those rich in magic, such as Iridescent Forests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fairies are omnivorous creatures, leaning towards herbivorous. Fairies farm the land, take care of animals, and occasionally eat their animals. They will sometimes go hunting, but only for small game like rabbits and fish, since fairies are too weak to catch stronger creatures without a lot of effort.


Fairies are a people who love beauty, nature, and education. In beauty they focus especially on color, color-coding their first and family names, their outfits, and the higher classes will even dye their hair to match their names. In nature, fairies will plant large gardens and thin forests in their cities and towns and behind their houses, and often include images of flowers in their outfits and hairstyles. In education, fairies are the most engineering-focused of the people of Disiden, always problem-solving for problems that crop up either because of fairies' small stature and weakness, or a common problem that all people face. They often use a combination of magic and technology to solve the problems that they face.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Fairies color-code based on societal and economic position. The royal family's accent color is platinum, the rich and the merchants' accent color is gold, the middle-class and the craftsmen have silver accents, and the poor wear bronze or brass-colored accents. It is generally assumed that any fairy has a control over the majority of his situation, and thus there are no welfare programs in Teritheya. The poor are expected to pick themselves up by their bootstraps, or man up and deal with it.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Fairies' magic is in runes, where a fairy might draw via a stick scratching in the dirt, or paint on a canvas, or even enchanted paint that attaches itself to water. Fairies draw from a book of known runes that each have a certain meaning and use, and once they are placed upon an object, the fairy's magic enters the rune and causes it to perform its function: for instance, a fairy draws the rune Protect upon a tree, followed by the rune for Fairy. Magic enters the two runes, and the tree then leans in the direction of the nearest fairy, shielding him with its leaves. Once the rune has "dried out" its magic, it will cease to function and the magic will return to the fairy from whom it came.   Rich fairies commonly trade with humans, and many of them have a business in selling staffs and magical cloth, enchanted with fairy runes. The poor, and sometimes the middle-class, fairies often have little use for their magic and are willing to draw these runes for pay. When the magic wears out, it returns to those fairies, and they do it over again.

Facial characteristics

Fairies' faces glow like the sun, and thus it is difficult to tell their faces apart. The common fairy will have soft skin like feathers, a narrow little nose, high cheekbones and thin lips.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Fairies are found all over Disiden, but primarily in Teritheya, the Kingdom of the Fairies. Next in fairy density is The Kingdom of Monsters, and then Klaea. A tiny minority live in the Unclaimed Forest somewhere.

Average Intelligence

On average, a just-noticeable amount more intelligent and wise than the average human.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The unlucky fairy who wanders into a pixie will be killed, and his soul stolen.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The first name of a fairy will be the name of a shade of the family color, such as Azure for a blue family. The family name of a fairy will be of an object commonly associated with the color, such as Sapphire for a blue family.

Major Organizations

Beauty Ideals

Fairies find being small and weak in appearance attractive. The unlucky tall fairy can find that she is a social outcast, though it is not so bad for men as it is for women.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Faeish, Old Disiden

Common Dress Code

Fairies are very strict about their method of dress. Not only do they color-code their main color and accent color to their family color and placement in society, but it is considered crude to glow unecessarily in public, so all fairies cover up as much as possible. Head: A headpiece is placed in the hair from which a strip of fabric falls over the ears and around behind the head. Torso: A jewel, pin or button is used to keep fabric in place that falls down to the lower arms, in case the hands must be hidden, or the fairy becomes cold. A long-sleeved robe and tunic cover the torso and arms. Legs: A tunic and robe and high boots keep the legs and feet covered. Misc.: Sometimes a (hooded) cape or cloak is paired with a fairy outfit. The richer fairies often have more layers, while the poorest ones go for the bare minimum. It is very uncommon to see a fairy so poor he does not have an outfit to cover his entire body.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Fairies do not remove their masks in front of anyone but their family members, or extremely close friends whom they consider as honorary members of the family.


In the oldest days, so far away that almost no scholar can find evidence of its cultures, people, and events, the fairies were a nomadic people that moved from place to place, learning of and tending to the plants and people that they passed by. Auburn Cinnamon is one of the only fairy names found in old texts, painstakingly translated to reveal that Auburn was a fairy of orange who befriended an old Fae, who in that time had been of a barbarian tribe.   It may have been the friendship between Fae and Fairies that Auburn began that encouraged the eventual Sicatrin Empire to show mercy to the fairies, the weakest of the four main peoples. The fae allowed the fairies to remain free people, a middle-class group that could work alongside and under the Empire just as the fae could. Some fairy families even became rich in the time of the Empire, and some of those riches are still in their descended families today.   When the rebellion against the Empire began, leaders of fairy families gathered together and discussed the battle, and elected Neon Sapphire to make a choice for them. Choose he did, eventually siding with the rebels, for he believed that they would win. And win they did, the fairies' help being of great use, and due to their assistance the newly-christned Kingdom of Monsters and Klaea allowed the fairies into their fold, though the humans and monsters had been slaves, and the fairies had ultimately benefited from the Empire's reign. The fairies chose the old Sicatrin Empire's capital district, The District of Teritheya, and struck "The District of" from the title, making it their kingdom.

Historical Figures

Auburn Cinnamon, the oldest known fairy and the first recorded to forge a relationship with a fae.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The fairies have very close relations with the monsters, whom they often trade with and make friends with. It is not uncommon to see a monster or fairy family crossing through Klaea into the other kingdom. The fairies, like the other three rebels to the Empire, now despise the fae and want nothing to do with them. The fairies are oblivious to all of the similarities their culture has to fae culture, a result of the prolonged combination of the two cultures, and any knowledge of it makes them quite upset.
Scientific Name
Ardenti Viri (burning man)
(average expectancy) At birth: 35 years | Having survived childhood: 53 years
Average Height
4'3" - 4'9" ft
Average Weight
60 - 95 lb
Average Physique
Fairies are commonly small, thin and feminine in their physique. They find it hard to develop any muscles to the extent that a human might.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Snow-white skin, often with several birthmarks across the body.
Geographic Distribution

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