Igor Species in Discworld PbtA | World Anvil
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Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Igors pass down body parts generation to generation and see it as right of passage to becoming an Igor when you operate on yourself using your ancestor's body part.

Ecology and Habitats

Don't pay it back, pay it forward: Igors and Igorinas do not charge other peoples for their services. But if you've had your missing hand replaced by an Igor you are expected to "pay it forward" when your time is up, and there are still usable parts of your body for an Igor to collect. And an Igorina will appear at an appropriate time to re-appropriate your body organs. If at this time you refuse to give those away, Igorina will simply go away. Forever. And no Igor will ever return to your family, even the village. You don't pay them back, but you must pay them forward.

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