Aurora Brighthollow Character in Dionis | World Anvil
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Aurora Brighthollow

Sky Sovereign Aurora Brighthollow

Aurora Brighthollow was born into a noble family with a strong affinity for elemental magic. Her siblings could control Wind, Ice, and Water with ease. But when Aurora was born, she exhibited powers of celestial origin instead. As she grew up, Aurora's power and influence grew with her. During the Industrial Age, she formed a group known as The Misfits of Magic, using her leadership skills to gain control over a town called Lilia. With the help of her adventuring group, Aurora was able to fund the livelihoods of her citizens and become a powerful diplomatic and magical force.   However, Aurora's life took a drastic turn when she garnered the attention of a cosmic force known as Faith. Their rivalry would change the course of Aurora's life forever. Faith saw Aurora as a threat, and in response, the waves of magic itself shifted. With this event, Aurora rose up beyond her role as mayor and replaced Thalia as the ruler of Morkain. She became known as the Sky Sovereign, the ruler of Giants and Dragons alike, cementing her status as a divine sorcerer of immense power. Despite her rise to power, Aurora never forgot her roots and continued to use her influence to improve the lives of those around her.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Aurora's physical appearance was a testament to her divine heritage, emanating an otherworldly aura that set her apart from mere mortals. Her features were delicately chiseled with high cheekbones and a sharp jawline that gave her a regal, almost ethereal quality. Her long, flowing hair was the color of honey, and seemed to shimmer in the light as if infused with gold. But it was the golden glow and warmth that surrounded her that truly set her apart. It was as if a halo of light encircled her, and those who stood near her felt a sense of calm and comfort wash over them. Her very presence seemed to ease tensions and bring about a sense of peace. It was no wonder that many looked up to her as a beacon of hope and inspiration, drawn to her like moths to a flame.

Special abilities

Aurora's ability to wield Malleable Magic was initially a challenge due to its uncontrollable nature, but she was determined to master it. Over time, she refined the technique and developed her own unique spin on it, which she named "Celestial Grace". This refined ability allowed her to project a powerful aura that amplified the potency of divine magic within a certain area. The aura itself was described as a shimmering, golden light that emanated from Aurora, imbuing those around her with a sense of serenity and divinity.   As she honed her skills with Celestial Grace, Aurora was able to project the aura over greater distances, eventually encompassing entire cities. This proved to be a powerful tool in her diplomatic efforts, as it allowed her to sway the hearts and minds of even the most skeptical individuals. It was said that once someone had experienced the effects of Aurora's Celestial Grace, they were forever changed, often becoming devout allies.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aurora Brighthollow was born into a noble family with a strong affinity for elemental magic. Her siblings could control Wind, Ice, and Water with ease. But when Aurora was born, she exhibited powers of celestial origin instead. As she grew up, Aurora's power and influence grew with her. During the Industrial Age, she formed a group known as The Misfits of Magic, using her leadership skills to gain control over a town called Lilia. With the help of her adventuring group, Aurora was able to fund the livelihoods of her citizens and become a powerful diplomatic and magical force.   However, Aurora's life took a drastic turn when she garnered the attention of a cosmic force known as Faith. Their rivalry would change the course of Aurora's life forever. Faith saw Aurora as a threat, and in response, the waves of magic itself shifted. With this event, Aurora rose up beyond her role as mayor and replaced Thalia as the ruler of Morkain. She became known as the Sky Sovereign, the ruler of Giants and Dragons alike, cementing her status as a divine sorcerer of immense power. Despite her rise to power, Aurora never forgot her roots and continued to use her influence to improve the lives of those around her.


Aurora's thirst for knowledge and understanding of her family's elemental powers led her to seek tutelage from some of the best educators in Lake City Eox. She was not content with just the basic knowledge of her family's magic, she sought a deeper understanding of their elemental origins. Her determination led her to gain restricted access to the High Council and The Heroes of Old libraries, where she could study the most powerful spells and artifacts. It was in these ancient texts that she discovered Thalia's role in her family's origins.   Upon discovering this, Aurora knew she had to seek the counsel and training of the Sister of Virtue. The Sister of Virtue was renowned for her teachings on how to overcome personal shortcomings and limitations in order to unlock true potential. Through her guidance, Aurora was able to develop her powers to their fullest potential and confront the cosmic entity known as Faith. Aurora's victory over Faith caught the attention of the Third, and she was offered the cosmic title of Faith. While the temptation was great, Aurora ultimately chose to prioritize her responsibilities on the Material Plane, rejecting the offer of holding the hand of Divinity with true personal closeness.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Aurora Brighthollow, as the Sky Sovereign, had an immense impact on the world of Dionis. Her reign as Emperor was brief, but during that time she was able to accomplish many great feats. One of her most notable achievements was bringing about peace among all dragons, including the Chromatic, Gem, and Metallic dragons. She was able to assign each of them a specific section of the continent of Lynoa to monitor alongside their hoards, which helped to prevent conflicts and promote cooperation among the different dragon types.   Aurora was not only able to win the hearts of her allies, but also her enemies. Two of the most long-lived people in Dionis, Sil'Craven and Nogete Adamire, fell for her. Sil'Craven, who was once a terrorist during the Dark Ages, became a staunch ally of Aurora's before his demise. Meanwhile, Nogete Adamire, the Supernatural Advisor of the High Council, would often seek Aurora's guidance on various matters and eventually lead to their eventual relationship.   During the time of The Misfits' recruitment period, Aurora served as a Recruiting Advisor. She was able to identify potential candidates for the group and provided valuable insight into their abilities and potential roles within the organization, she would go on recruit a recently changed Torishani General Ladia Toniko Barrenwood alongside her two undead guards. Another notable recruitment would be a Gruung named d'Resh who was blind, but contained a gem that gave him true-seeing. This Gruung sought the eventual owner of the Book of Light, a book containing rituals that are meant to stave off The Dark One, finding Aurora to be its owner.    Additionally, Aurora became so adept at performing divine magic that it caught the attention of the Third. While the entity offered her the opportunity to rise beyond the gods and become a cosmic entity herself, Aurora ultimately chose to deny the offer, preferring to focus on her duties as the Sky Sovereign and her responsibilities on the Material Plane.

Mental Trauma

Aurora's encounter with Faith's alternate form, The Brood Mother, had left an indelible mark on her psyche. The image of the monstrous being, with its writhing tentacles and gaping maw, haunted her dreams and plagued her waking thoughts. The mental trauma she suffered was severe, and for a time she struggled to reclaim her sense of self.   Her nightmares were filled with visions of the Brood Mother consuming everything in its path, laying waste to entire cities and leaving only ruin in its wake. The weight of this immense evil seemed to crush her spirit, and she was beset with doubts and fears about her own abilities to face such an adversary.   But Aurora was nothing if not resilient. She had faced countless challenges and overcome seemingly insurmountable odds before, and this was no different. With the help of her friends and advisors, she began to work through her trauma, seeking counseling and support to help her overcome the crushing weight of her experience.   Slowly but surely, she began to reclaim her sense of self and her confidence in her own abilities. She refused to let the Brood Mother define her, to let the evil it represented taint her soul. And so she persevered, pushing herself to new heights of achievement and leadership, and proving to herself and the world that she was truly one of the most formidable figures of her time.

Morality & Philosophy

Aurora's philosophy revolved around a deep desire to provide a better life for those around her. Her actions were guided by her belief in the greater good and a commitment to serving others. Despite struggling at times with doubts about the effectiveness of her efforts, she remained steadfast in her pursuit of being a role model of virtue and an inspiration to those who knew her.   Her approach to leadership was not without its challenges, as she sought to assert her authority in a way that would help shape a better reality for all. This often required difficult decisions and a willingness to take risks, even if it meant causing some level of dissonance among her people. Yet, through her perseverance and unwavering commitment to her ideals, she ultimately rose to become the Sky Sovereign and helped usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for her people.

Personality Characteristics


As Aurora's power and influence grew, she was initially driven by a strong yearning for power and growth. However, as she gained more insight into the nature of her abilities, she realized that with great power comes great responsibility. This realization led her to become more mindful of her actions and to seek ways to use her powers for the greater good.   Aurora's newfound sense of responsibility motivated her to protect and defend others, especially those who were unable to do so themselves. She was deeply committed to using her abilities to help people, and this led her to join forces with the Misfits of Magic. Together with her fellow Misfits, Aurora fought against evil and injustice, using her powers to heal and protect those in need.   Aurora's actions were motivated by a deep sense of empathy and compassion. She was dedicated to the protection of the people, and her ultimate goal was to make the world a better place. Through her selfless actions, Aurora became a true hero, one whose legacy would be remembered for generations to come.



They currently stand as current ruler of the city of Dragons and Giants, Morkain.

Religious Views

Throughout her adventures, Aurora had encountered and even forged personal relationships with powerful cosmic entities. Having learned the true scope of their power and influence, Aurora had developed a deep respect for these beings, both for their abilities and for the responsibility they held as stewards of the cosmos.   Among these entities was Thalia, the Sister of Virtue, with whom Aurora had shared a special bond due to their shared connection to Aurora's elemental origins. Though Aurora still maintained a connection with Thalia, she did not seek to put herself above those who are formally worshipped.   Despite her own considerable power and influence, Aurora recognized the limits of her own abilities and the importance of working with others, be they mortal or divine, in order to achieve her goals. She saw herself as a member of a larger community, one that included not only her fellow heroes but also the cosmic entities that watched over the universe. This sense of perspective and humility allowed Aurora to maintain a level head even in the face of overwhelming power, and to continue to work towards her goals with a sense of purpose and clarity.
Neutral Good
Current Status
Ruling the Skies as Sky Sovereign
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sky Sovereign ; Queen of Morkain
Date of Birth
345th day of 697
Circumstances of Birth
Aurora's family contains wielder of storm sorcery, the child was born instead with a divine light, that of prophecy.
Lake City Eox
Current Residence
Morkain, The Hidden City
She / They
Divinity within Nobility
Silver, Long, Wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ashen Gray Skin
Thalia / Thuun

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