Henne in Dinorania | World Anvil
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A Henne or Heisa is a female Gylle, Vedrer or other domesticated theropod dinosaur below 2 tonnes, especially if of a feathered species.


Henne originates from proto-tùskic *hjāna, which can be compared with Old English henn, Dutch hen and German Henne referring to a female chicken. Heisa (also spelt heis) is a Dinoraenization of Henne.  




Most Gylle Hennes can lay up to six eggs in a single batch. Many Vedrer hennes can lay up to 20. Kràkkei, a Piennic-bred Velociraptor, laid a record 32 in 1866.  



In Mythology

The Ved people introduced the domesticated high terran raptors to the Ourasian and Dinorini city-states in the 39th century BCE, where they were regarded with high esteem and reverance. Noblemen were given tame revders as gifts, and employed Veddic 'raptormasters' to teach them methods of raptor breeding, training and communication. These Veddic advisors spoke of the Raptors as descendants of the eggs of a divine being, Meghmassa, that was a sort of personification of nature, animals and the High Terra from which the Ved hailed. Female raptors became equally symbolic to the Ourasian Dinoraenes, whom were amazed by the fact that an organism could lay an egg that would later hatch into another complete organism. This gave rise to a number of theories and myths about a 'cosmic raptor-mother' that laid the suns and worlds such as Dinòra as eggs from which life sprung. The Henne has since found itself at the heart of a number of Dinoraenic myths and even cosmological theories well into the common era.


The Ourasian myths featured H'maseiss (Hennia), a protective female Vedrer deity. Though thoroughly dinoraenized, the goddess is most likely of Veddic origin, introduced to the Ourasians around the 38th century BCE.


The Lutian culture, as with other High Terran cultures, is intimately tied with the rearing and husbandry of dromaeosaurs. Alketh, the semi-legendary progenitor of the Lutians and founder of Sònna, was said to have been raised by a wild Henne.    The Lutian Coat of Arms features an infant Alketh being sheltered by a feathered henne.

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