Siem Character in Dies Multiverse | World Anvil
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The Lord of the Starlit Realm most often appears as an Elven lord garbed in a mantle of flowing green and silver, with a wreath of stars upon his head. His face and body bear no clue of age, but his eyes project wisdom, and his aura projects confused feelings of strength and longing. Siem is surrounded by an air of sadness, of “otherwhereness.”   The King of the Uttermost West is the eldest of the lesser gods, and probably the wisest. Siem is patient above all others. Siem was first offered, but refused, the guardianship of the Illimitable Tome, nominating Save-K’nor in his stead.  

The Blessed Realm

The King of the Uttermost West resides in the Blessed Realm, a world of “…golden terraces, ruby moons and shrines of ivory…” This is the heaven of the Sindarin, but it is also a place that may be reached before death and returned from. Human adherents believe that this may be their own ultimate destination. Siem sits upon a throne of silver and jade at the top of Mount Sirinar, above a plateau where his court resides, and where he is attended by Sweldre, Sereniel and the lesser lords of dream.  

The Ilsiri (Angels of dream)

Before the other gods took note of the mortal planes, Siem would walk the world speaking in his solitude to the plants, animals, and earth. The god touched those to whom he spoke, and gave them self-awareness. Hence, a myriad of spirit-creatures became aware, called Ilsiri. The Ilsiri are ethereal beings of varying, but usually minor, power.  

The Free Ilsiri

The free Ilsiri are spirits, once associated with particular objects or creatures, which have since been destroyed. Most Ilsiri perish when their host-object is no more, but some do not; these are the free Ilsiri. The Ilsiri usually possess humanoid forms about eight inches in height. They are shy, gentle, and graceful, but can be mischievous.  

The Asiri

The Asiri are ethereal creatures whose elemental base is air. They have the habit of hiding within physical objects with weak or non-existent auras of their own, but they remain free spirits.  

The Elmithri

The Elmithri are ethereal creatures whose elemental base is water. These are also free spirits, and may be mischievous.  

The Aulamithri

The Asiri and Elmithri are free spirits who serve Siem by carrying dreams, messages and forgetfulness to the mortal races. Like other Ilsiri, they are noncorporeal, but become visible to mortal eyes under moonlight. Unlike other Ilsiri, the Aulamithri have sworn loyalty to Siem and live to serve him.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Siem's quasi-deity abilities relied on a connection to an arcane focus, his focus was given to him through his throne in his Blessed Realm.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Other Affiliations

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