The Agor Valde Organization in Diateire | World Anvil
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The Agor Valde


Head of the organization is the Esronn Vaelde (Voice/Speaker of Vaëlddra). She is supported by the Agor High Council on which sit the Agorion that she appoints.

Public Agenda

Expansion of Fyron to reinstate the Tentarren Empire and fight heretics who worship Darsarth or the old Pantheon. The Agor Valde projects itself as a power of stability fighting against evil and uses poisonous rhetoric and theatrics to make the population believe that they are under threat (while they are the actual threat). The Agor Valde believes that Vaëlddra can be found and reinstated to her former glory.
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
The Order of Vaëlddra
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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Character flag image: by Chloé Davidson


Author's Notes

One of the things I've noticed about the modern world is how everything seems to be gradually getting worse ever since 2016 hit. In the Western world at least, society has been becoming more and more polarized and radicalized, with intolerance and vitriol seemingly on the rise as well. The Agor Valde uses a lot of this type of political rhetoric on its population, mainly to make them believe that there is a threat so that they are more emotional and therefore, more easy to control. After all, hatred and paranoia are great distractions when you want people to overlook the more horrible things you are doing...

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