The Order of the Five Organization in Diadamel | World Anvil
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The Order of the Five

Divine Origins

As the Mage Wars drew to an end it had become evident that without the expertise of five key individuals many of the non-magic folk wouldn't have been freed from the tyranny of the wizard clans. Elevated above all of the common folk, these five humans had fought the hardest and lead many of the skirmishes against their oppressors. Well after their time they would be remembered as champions of light and justice. However, it wouldn't be until after the fall of the evil queen Morakordred that the five would be released from their earthly shackles and allowed to transcend. taking their places among legends properly.

Tenets of Faith

I.  Your duty is to your community and your homeland.  You must be a force of righteousness in your community. II.  You must exercise wisdom in justice and have the strength to do what must be done. III.  Evil is not to be tolerated.  Seek it and remove it from your community. IV.  Respect is to be given freely to all, not simply to those you deem worthy. V.  Your allies are precious, you will work with and for them.
Religious, Pantheon

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