Skyfall Organization in Diadamel | World Anvil
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     When the dark queen used her powers to bring about the sundering of the great continent, Pangaea, it is said that her spell first carved through the land that would become the northern coast of Aeronys.  The earth cracked and shifted.  Magma bubbled up from deep underground.  The world as we knew it ended and a new one was rapidly taking shape.  After a week or so the sea began to rush in and all we could see on the horizon was the sky falling away from us.  Despite the turmoil, it was the most lovely cyan.  It was almost a promise of peace.  We knew that there were heroes out there determined to bring about the end of Queen Morakordred.
     We found higher ground and our rock drifted on a trackless sea.  Moons waxed and waned as they always had done, but the stars seemed different.  No longer could I track my movement at night with them.  My family and I settled high into the hills of a mountain range and hoped that none of them would explode.  Others came and soon we had a little village.  A few decades passed and we decided to uproot ourselves during the first few weeks of a warmer season.
     We descended from the mountains and traveled with the sun from East on into the West.  With luck we found more people; humans, gnomes, halflings, and even a few elves.  The soil on these plains was incredibly fertile.  My family and I were granted a parcel of relatively flat land by the local sheriff.  We were told of the many changes that had befallen our homeland in the years since we'd gone into seclusion.  There was a man who had proclaimed himself king after the death of Morakordred.  He and his queen had settled along the northern coast, declaring the town be called Himmel.
--  The Diary of Junst
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Controlled Territories

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