Erwood's Bridge Settlement in Diadamel | World Anvil
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Erwood's Bridge

From a mile away you can see the beams and framework of the grand bridge that crosses the Troon.  Hills sweep down from mountains and dip into a lush valley.  Crop fields and orchards are surrounded by man made forests on the northern side, and then you make the crossing south and enter the village properly.  Small houses and fishing huts line the southern bank and the noise from the market is almost pleasant.  Traders come from many many miles away to share their goods with the people of The Dale.  The inn at the heart of the town is very large and accommodating, offering rooms for humans, dwarfs, and halflings alike.  I have had the pleasure to stay at The Horse's Head Inn & Tavern when I was spritely and young, but it has been some time since I was last there.  I wonder if Tom the ostler is still the governor of the establishment.   And if it is fish that you desire, look no further.  Nearly everyone in town is an angler out of necessity.  The river fish grow large and plentiful.  The town does a lot of business with the capital and the nearby abbey.  The supply of foodstuffs is so abundant they have to sell it or find ways to preserve it.  And the apple preserves are absolutely wonderful, I tell you.  Spread it on warm bread with a little bit of fresh butter.  It's enough to make my belly rumble with desire.  I think perhaps it is time to bake a loaf and see if I have any preserves left in my larder.   Decklund Sayre, Wonders of the Dalelands


75% human, 15% elves, 5% halflings, 5% dwarfs


A prominent guard presence, and a very active town watch.  Trained dogs.

Industry & Trade

Erwood's Bridge charges a toll to cross the river to traders and those passing through. The agricultural industry on the north side of town is very successful, the fresh produce and livestock from the town is often sold to the capital and sent along the river.

The Horse's Head
On the southern end of town is a sizeable public house and inn called The Horse's Head. It was constructed along the west road when the village was still just a hamlet. It is owned and operated by a squat man with a big, round belly. He's dressed in finer clothes, but keeps them protected with a dingy apron. He has no hair on top of his head, but his crown is wreathed with neatly trimmed stubble. Tom the Ostler has been a figurehead in Erwood's Bridge for many years and is the local liaison for Adventurers of Aeronys, or The Adventurer's Guild. Tom has a stable attached to the inn that can house two dozen or so horses if conditions are cramped, but the stable here really only acts as overflow for the larger stables off of the market plaza.

The Market
Set up on the eastern side of the town is the large market plaza.  On a typical day only a few of the outdoor stalls are open; a grocer selling their produce, those kinds of things.  But once a month, merchants from distant realms sail up the river and into Daven's Dale.  They make a stop in Erwood's Bridge and sell some more exotic wares.  The monks from the monastery come down and sell artisanal goods like wine, cheese, and jewelry.  The town really comes to life for about three days.
The more standard shops are in buildings that circle the court.  A butcher, a public house, a hospital, an herbalist and an alchemist, a bread baker, a stable, and a blacksmith.

Erwood Plantation
Across the bridge and to the north of town there is a large swath of farmland owned by the Erwood family.  Tenant farmers work for Barnabas Erwood and grow a variety of crops.  An apple orchard there is also, it surrounds the rather opulent manor that the Erwoods call home.


Erwood's Bridge, while under the sovereignty of Daven's Dale, is primarily autonomous. It pays taxes to the kingdom and in return is supplied with guards and a professional medical doctor. The town holds regular community meetings to discuss issues and whether or not to hire outsiders to help with potential problems. Despite this, everyone turns to the wealthiest family in town to handle the bulk of the financial issues that may arise. Businesses and tradesmen all pay dues to this family and the town runs normally.


A market with a variety of goods, location on a well traveled trade route, the largest bridge constructed allowing caravans to come and go as necessary.

Guilds and Factions

Adventurers of Aeronys 
Erwood Family


The bridge itself was constructed late in 107.  Daven of Cardiff assigned one of his city's architects to design and aid in the construction of the bridge so that they could venture further north with supplies to construct the planned fortress at the northern end of the valley.  The town took root several years later as a place to stop and rest for travelers.  Its location near the abbey made it a prime stop for those making the pilgrimage to visit the priests and ask for the blessings of The Five.


The majority of people who visit Erwood's Bridge are travelers and merchants.  The town is a small trade stop as merchants sail up river to the capital of Daventry.  But there are also those who visit the monastery about seven miles south of town.  It sits higher up in the foothills and draws in those who make a pilgrimage to ask for the blessings of the five greatest warriors in recorded history, pay the monks for any number of services, or have come to petition the champions for aid.


Nestled in a river basin that sits in the gap separating the Black Spire Mountains and the Bulwark Mountains, the smooth and fertile hills tumble slowly downward and sink into the River Troon.  The river runs from the lake at Daventry all the way out to the southern shores making it a stop along a trade way.  The forests around the town are all kept by wardens and maintained by foresters.

Natural Resources

Livestock (pigs, cows, horses, sheep), grain, apples, fish, wood.
Alternative Name(s)
Bridge Town
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