Ikuchi Species in Dharguun | World Anvil
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A sea serpent that is known for jumping over boats and spitting an adhesive oil at them before submerging and dragging them beneath the waves

Basic Information


A sea serpent that can grow to be up to 300ft long. It has a flat head with a diamond shaped crest from behind which two horns extend backwards. Its gills are located on its neck, behind this crest and a ridge of spines descends down its back towards short fat ventral fins and a flat, bone like tail blade. A horn of bone grows from the end of its flat face. Twin dorsal fins grow from its belly.   Colourations include blues, tans, dark yellows and greens and most have a variation of an 'eye' pattern on their sides

Genetics and Reproduction

Spawning grounds in the Sea of Swords, on the south shores of Koga Province in Tahoma

Growth Rate & Stages

Ikuchi give birth to live young which are between 6 and 10ft in length. These young will reach adulthood and usually a size of 50ft in a year. After this initial phase growth slows down exponentially to a few feet a year. The largest known Ikuchi was 450ft long

Ecology and Habitats

This species of sea serpent lives most of its life on the bottom of the Sea of Swords in coldest, deepest depths. Ikuchi is a stealth hunter, rising from its depths to prey on large sea creatures such a whales, dolphins, sharks and sometimes boats.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ikuchi secrets an adhesive oil from a gland in its mouth which it uses to snare and retrieve its prey, dragging it down to the ocean floor where it coils its body around it, squeezing it until it breaks

Biological Cycle

Ikuchi Hibernates in a burrow beneath the seabed during the winter before resurfacing and shedding its old scales

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

  • Adhesive oil- as an action you can throw a flask of Adhesive oil up to 60ft where it bursts. Every creature within 5ft of the point of impact must make a dexterity saving throw or be restrained. A creature restrained can use its action to make a strength check (DC 15) to free itself
  • Ikuchi Hide- while wearing armour or clothes made from this hide any ability check to move across or climb icy surfaces is made with advantage. Additionaly, difficult terrain composed of ice or snow doesnt cost extra movement
  • Ikuchi Crest- Armour or clothes featuring this adornment has 2 charges which it regains at dawn. While wearing it you can expend a charge to cast Armour of Agathys
  • Ikuchi Fin- Weapons or foci featuring this adornment has 2 charges which it regains at down. While weilding it you can expend a charge to cast Ice Knife using your primary ability score
  • Ikuchi Tailblade- Your slashing weapon deals an extra 1 slashing damage.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Darkvision 60ft
  • Tremorsence 120ft
Average Height
Average Length
Geographic Distribution

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