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Oscen K, 48 4C

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Deus is a world both ruled by and ruler of its gods. Every creature alive on its flat surface was hand-placed by a divine being, and in its death will be lovingly shepherded to the Third Realm by whomever it swore devotion to. Each lake, mountain, and cloud was designed with intention, and will continue to be overseen for as long as the world exists.

In turn, all gods except the eldest were created by the mortal species that inhabit Deus. Their domains and personalities are defined by the expectations of their followers, and their power waxes and wanes as their faiths grow and shrink. A god without a sizable presence in the physical realm is a sad creature indeed, and all fear being forgotten just as mortals fear death.

But you must be tired from your journey here. Normally, boarding at the Adventurers' Guild is free only to its members, but we can negotiate such things in the morning. Until then, sleep, traveller, and dream of gods.

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