Arcenum Material in Deus | World Anvil
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Arcenum is one of several magic-sensitive materials. It takes the fom of opaque, hexagonal white crystals, which may have transparent blue or grey impurities within them from Inidem crystals, which often form under the same conditions. As it is quite common and easy to employ for a magic-sensitive material, it enjoys frequent use in wizards' colleges and other magical places of business.

The most notable property of Arcenum is that it gives off a pulsating glow in the presence of magic. Different magical sources have different rhythms of pulse, which can sometimes be used to identify the magical fingerprint of an individual. Such science is difficult, however, so Arcenum's main use is in forming quick judgements about the magical output of an individual or spell.

When Arcenum crystals are exposed to magic, their glow's intensity is proportional to the detected level of magic in the area. Particularly large amounts of magic can cause smaller crystals to crack or rupture, so the size of the crystal should be chosen relative to the expected amount of magic to measure. In addition, Arcenum provides a crude measurement of the level of control one has over the magic in a spell, item, or their personal reserves. The more controlled the magic detected by an Arcenum crystal, the more regular the pattern of its pulse.


Geology & Geography

Arcenum crystals form exclusively in high-magic areas underground, with flowing water to deposit their components. As ambient magic has largely been drained from the central continent, most easily accessible deposits on Deus have already been found and mined. Fortunately, Arcenum forms easily, and new deposits are still being discovered—and it's likely there are locations deep beneath Deus where pockets of ambient magic still linger from the First Course. Barring that, the Sea of Earth, with its strong elemental magic and endless caverns, certainly forms new deposits even today.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Arcenum crystals are most commonly used for magic testing procedures, as they are the most common magic-sensitive material. The crystals can be used to judge an individual's potential for magic, as well as testing the strength of a spell or enchantment. In magical undertakings requiring dangerous levels of energy, a large Arcenum crystal will be placed in the room as an alarm, its size having been precalibrated to the desired energy of the spell. If the crystal is to fracture, it is an indication that the spell has exceeded its calculated limits and should be terminated.

Crystals are also useful to explorers of high-magic areas such as the Elemental Seas or places connected to unknown gods. Here, their glow acts as a warning of potential magical dangers.

Cultural Significance and Usage

In some cultures, such as the Lacertians and many Aquan populations, coming-of-age ceremonies involve being publicly tested for magic with the use of an Arcenum crystal. In this use, the crystal is usually carved into a shape resembling a popular god of the community, or set into a ceremonial lantern.

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