Lundaria Organization in Detalas | World Anvil
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Lundaria is a country on the Cesix continent of Detalas. Once a great nation state, a feudalistic system now governs the group of seven loosely held together provinces.


Astingard has been the seat of power, even before the country was broken into provinces. Instead of a king or queen as in the past, either a lord or a lady rules over all the provinces now. Each province also has it's own baron or baroness that makes the day-to-day decisions, enforcing only the simplest of rules agreed upon by all provinces. A pact of protection has been made between all provinces as well, but any act of war must be approved in a council meeting of all leaders of the seven provinces and the lady/lord of Lundaria. Each province has their own chain of command past the baron/baroness, either political or based on their military might.


The various provinces of Lundaria and it's shifting geographic landscape provide a wide array of resources and assets. The Drogright Mountains contain several rare earth minerals, while the forests of Valorast are rich in wood for building and natural foods. Each province has it's own military, with some focusing more on protection than others. The city of Astingard alone has roughly 20,000 soldiers on hand for it's defense. Waeldstone has a large army as they are the southern tip of the country and must repel any attacks on multiple fronts. Calalith Castle, built into the Drogright Mountains in Astingard, is one of the oldest structures in Detalas and remains one of the most highly protected places on the Cesix continent. On the other end of the spectrum, Rivermouth in Waelstone has only been built for a few decades. Each province has varying degrees of wealth, based on the family lineage of the baron/baroness and their personal wealth before taking office. They each set their own tax rates which fill their coffers differently as well.

Demography and Population

The Waeldstone province is the largest in Lundaria, and also has the most population with around 3.5 million people. Ardar province is nearly as large, but the multiple mountain ranges make the population much less dense. Tawick, with it's access to the sea like Waelstone, has the second largest population with just over 1.1 million people. All provinces of Lundaria combined have nearly 8 million citizens. Even in these more unsettling times, birth rates remain high with nearly a 2% growth year over year in the population. Sharp rises and declines in the death rate can be attributed to the times when wars are being fought around the country.


Lundaria is made up of seven provinces: Ardar, Astingard, Bastow, Byton, Tawick, Valorast, and Waeldstone. The cover most of the southeastern corner of the Cesix continent ranging from the Drogright Mountains in the middle, to the Wondering Sea to the east, and the Menrial Gulf in the south. While the existing borders have changed slightly throughout the years, Lundaria has remained unoccupied by enemy forces since it was founded.
Founding Date
3135 BA
Geopolitical, City-state
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
copper, silver, gold, and platinum
Legislative Body
Most laws are set by the baron/baroness of each province, with any declaration of war or rule that applies to every province made with a special meeting of all seven barons/baronesses and approved by the lady/lord of Lundaria
Judicial Body
Each baron/baroness presides over their own court hearings. Some barons/baronesses have appointed local "judges" in each town that can proceed over smaller offense. Any crimes by a magnate of a province are brought before the lord/lady to be decided.

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