Melody Pendragon Character in Desyia | World Anvil
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Melody Pendragon

Melody Pendragon

Melody Pendragon, daughter of two state wizards, trained her whole life to follow her parent's footsteps. Meeting particular individuals she took her future into her own hands as they now help her achieve her dreams. She's a kind, intelligent soul who doesn't believe in her abilities. Travelling the world with her pseudodragon familiar, she's on a journey to learn more about other cultures and improve her own skills.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Quite slender physique. She spend most of her time with her nose in her books than working on her body.

Facial Features

Besides her round cheeks, round glasses and a circular face, the only noteworthy thing that isn't even visible is her horrible eyesight.

Identifying Characteristics

Although she looks like a traditional wizard. She differentiates herself with her hat, glasses and her hair in two pigtails.

Physical quirks

She's constantly aware of her surroundings. The less space she can occupy, the better.

Special abilities

Melody is most comfortable casting spells from the school of Illusions

Apparel & Accessories

Without her glasses she can't see further than a hand from her face. Besides her backpack she has an extra bag for her tea supplies and herbalism kit. She chose a wand for her spell casting focus.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Born a female, she assumes the gender that she entered the world as.


Sheltered from the outside world Melody never met many people. Any relationships she made were regulated by her parents. Nothing could get in the way of her studies. Once she started experiencing the world for herself, she met a couple of wonderful people, but love is still a mystery for her.


Although she was home schooled, her parent's connection to Presia's council gave her an education that is comparable to some of the best schools in Desyia.


Never officially employed, she would often help out a tortle named Aria in her Tavern, serving patrons, cleaning dishes and grocery runs. Melody never wanted any payment for her service. Instead Aria taught her different tea recipes.   In order to cross the border, she worked for Wendy Roffinac, better known as Big Mama, owner of a ship with a small crew also called Big Mama. Melody and her friend Lexi lacked in the physical department, but Wendy had a use for their intellectual capabilities. Lady Roffinac was struggling with a jet powered engine for a while now and asked Melody and Lexi to take a look at it. Although Melody had no experience in engineering, Wendy's blueprints were clear enough for them to make sense. Putting two and two together, they built the engine over a time frame of 2 days. As payment for their work, Wendy flew them to Kaeda.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Melody failed the state wizard exam 3 times

Mental Trauma

The Pendragon household was never physically nor magically abusive to Melody, but it still exerted a lot of pressure on her. Even though she loves her parents, she can't help but to get nervous around them, especially her own mother.

Intellectual Characteristics

Her creative use of illusions show her intellectual capabilities pretty well. Unfortunately her fear of failure can completely shut her down from trying anything at all. She's comfortable enough with Illusion magic for her to cast it effortlessly, but when asked to perform other feats of magic she might struggle with that.

Morality & Philosophy

In an effort to please those around her, she usually refrains from making any controversial statements, but that doesn't mean that she stands her ground in certain scenarios. She shares many of her believes with her best friend.
  • Alcohol is poison. So is anything that worsens your ability to function properly.
  • Prophecies are a load of nonsense. You are in charge of your own path and responsible for your own decisions.
Something (or rather someone) that she doesn't believe in, is herself.

Personality Characteristics


Eventually Melody wants to open her own tea shop. In order to be the best in the world, she attempts tries out different cuisine all over the world.   She hasn't dropped her studies while pursuing her dreams. If her lips aren't pressed against a cup of tea, she has her nose in a book. The idea of progress excites her and she wishes to learn more about the arcane wherever she goes.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Tea
  • Disrespect

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Great sense of taste
  • Polite

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Insecure
  • Nearly blind without her glasses


In the Pendragon household, it was customary to shower once every day. As an adventurer that isn't always possible anymore. If she can't clean herself within 3 days, she'll ask her fellow party members to find a place where they can take a bath or she'll sneak of in order it.


Contacts & Relations

  • Arthur Pendragon - Father
  • Guinevere Pendragon - Mother
  • Aria - Owner of the tavern Aria's Brew
  • Avalon Thandler - Best friend
  • Alexandrite of the Eastern Lands (Lexi)
  • Ophelia Grequia
  • Jaggan Dadrei (Bellion Misleadian)
  • Nessa Merilas

Family Ties

The Pendragon household has strong ties with Presia's government. All of its members have been state wizards at some point in their life. Melody loves her family.

Social Aptitude

If it weren't for her parents, she wouldn't have the social skills to operate in high society. Low society is still a struggle for her, but she'll treat everyone with the same respect and is polite. Even to those who treat her harshly.


Her background taught her to be polite in every situation. She'll be able to behave at gala's and other social parties, but fall out of the boat among commoners.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Pip - Pseudodragon Familiar
  • Cooking
  • Reading


No matter what language she speaks, she uses it formally.

Wealth & Financial state

As a state wizard you earn enough to live in a mansion. They sent me off with a small allowance of 25 gold pieces. Ten of those coins have been used to buy supplies for my tea set.

A wizard in training who dreams of opening the best tea shop in the world.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
56th of Zazel, Year 4 of the Era of Change
Current Residence
Pendragon Household
Light Brown
Autumn Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned Blush
5.4 ft
132 lbs
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Elvish
  • Reidran
  • Sylvan

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Tea Cake
14th of Penem, 24th Year of Change

Tea Cake recipe

  • 175 grams of butter
  • 175 grams of sugar
  • 3 large eggs
  • 175 grams of self-raising flour
  • 1 tablespoon of powder
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla extra
  • a pinch of salt

    Step 1:

  • Lightly grease a round, tin bowl with a little extra butter.

    Step 2:

  • Put all the ingredients into a large mixing bowl and beat with a wooden spoon until just combined. It's important not to beat the batter too much - Just long enough to make it smooth.

    Step 3:

  • Pour the mixture into the tin, smooth the top and bake in the oven for about 45-50 minutes. The cake is done when it looks well risen and golden; the top should spring back when lightly touched with a fingertip.

    Step 4:

  • Let the cake sit in the tin for 5 minutes, then gently run a knife around the edge and leave it out to cool.

    Additional notes from Rani:

    Based on the tea you serve, you should lower/increase the amount of sugar you put in the cake. Lots of love and have fun baking.


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