Dessar History of Dessar Timeline
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History of Dessar

A complete overview of all the major historical events that made their mark on the world of Dessar

The First World

Bahamut and Tiamat created the First World from which all would come. Therefore the first era is named after the First World

  • 0 FW

    1 Deepfrost

    The Weaving of the world

    Ages ago, when nothing but the Elemental Chaos existed, two dragons were born: Bahamut and Tiamat. The two of them wove the world together and created the First World.

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    65000 FW

    The Fall of the Three Great Empires

    The collapse of the First World came about suddenly and unexpectedly.
    The Giants of Ostoria fought a thousand year war against the dragons led by Tiamat, the Elves of Corelia ruptured the Weave in an attempt to merge several planes of existence, and the Yuan-Ti fell to the machinations of the gods.

The Blood Age

After the First World collapsed a period of war between gods, elementals and other forces of nature began.

  • 2481 BA

    4391 BA

    The War of Chaos

    In the turmoil after the Fall, one of the vassals of the gods rose to power. She called herself the Queen of Chaos and waged war against the True Gods to steal their power for herself.
    After a long campaign the forces of the True Gods managed to prevail and banished the Queen of Chaos to the Far Realm.

The Discovery Age

After some semblance of peace returned to the world, an age of unprecedented discovery began

  • 289 DA

    1 Highsun

    The foundation of the first university

    The first university was founded by a group of five dragons near the west coast of Atrea. To this day the university of Paston is still one of the most prestigous learning institutions on Dessar.

  • 530 DA

    16 Harvesttide
    531 DA

    22 Winterwane

    The War of Water

    In the year 530 DA, minions of the evil water god Umberlee managed to incapacitate Leviathan, the good god of water. Many of the waterborn races in Dessar were drafted by the gods to fight on the Elemental Plane of Water.
    With the seas of Dessar devoid of their protectors, many hostile creatures of the deep took their chance to launch attacks of their own on the coasts of Dessar.
    The war lasted only a few months and was resolved when the forces of good managed to free Leviathan from the clutches of Umberlee.

  • 620 DA

    The social revolution

    For many centuries the Orcs and goblinoids were seen as uncivilized savages whose only purpose in life was killing and plundering. It wasn't until the birth of Obould Many-Arrows that the Orcs and goblinoids would fight for their place in society. It was a hard-fought battle, but under the leadership of Obould they managed to carve out a place in society for themselves.

  • 707 DA

    The foundation of Skysteel Industries

  • 807 DA

    13 Flowerbloom

    First contact with the Aarakocra

    After having their population decimated, the Aarakocra hid away in their floating cities where they managed to stay hidden from the world for centuries.
    In the year 807, an exploratory venture led by Cidaryn Venanza discovered the floating cities of Arcavios.

  • 943 DA

    15 Palesun

    The Start of the Great War