The Foresters Ethnicity in Desolation Lands | World Anvil
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The Foresters

During the immediate events of The Collapse a group of 450 UHL Citizens made their way to a bunker hidden deep in the Ozarks. The bunker, built by a private, anonymous company, was stocked with enough supplies to ride out any sort of event for the next 100 years. The members of the bunker were those disillusioned with the way of life presented in the UHL, and cast aside their previous lives and religious beliefs to begin anew inside the bunker.   The bunker dwellers developed a society dependent on the technology inside, and constantly feared the breakdown of their technology, their bunker, and their ultimate way of life. This paranoia was constantly reinforced due to the aging technologies inside constantly breaking down. This paranoia led to an almost religious worship of anyone with technical or engineering know how, and the best mechanic in the bunker was consistently deemed their leader.   The dwellers unstable life ultimately came crashing down with a cataclysmic failure of the Bunker's primary mainframe due an unexpected flood. The dwellers rapidly reverted to a tribal-esque society, placing those remaining few with technical knowledge that survived the flooding into the highest societal positions.   Due to the remote location of the bunker, and the degradation or loss of most technology within the bunker, what little remained or was found was treated with an almost holy reverence. Items like handheld scanning computers, or audio recording and playing devices were held within the Elders home and protected viciously.   The survivors did quickly adapt to the forests though, and became proficient in creating clothes out of salvaged cloth and animal hides. Warriors marked themselves by adorning their armor with leaves, and the Elders wore aging mechanics jumpsuits, which were similarly held in holy reverence.   The Forester's rapid cultural evolution and adaption soon came to the attention of the AIC, who silently monitored them from the shadows. Curious, or perhaps sympathetic AIC members would sometimes leave bundles of technology on the edges of their camps. The AIC observed that these bundles were perceived as blessings or miracles from their elders.


Culture and cultural heritage

Technology reverence and worship is a staple within Forester culture, treating even junk like broken calculators as items of religious worth. This is not to say that the Foresters are inept innovation wise, but in many circles of Foresters it is seen as heretical to dismantle a piece of technology with the intent of utilizing the parts inside of it.   Those who disassemble items in an attempt to innovate and create new technologies are branded as heretics, and shunned or exiles from the tribe.

Common Taboos

The disassembly of technology, functional or not, is a major taboo.

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