The Cessations Mountain Range Geographic Location in Desolate | World Anvil
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The Cessations Mountain Range


The third largest mountain range on Desolate. Located in the West Hemisphere. Known for the home of Girdwood, the Capital of The Lowlands.


No human has ever set foot in the center of the range. The weather is said to be too hazardous to travel. The outer rim of the range is surprisingly calm and few monsters have been spotted for years.

Fauna & Flora

In the center of the range, it is believed to be home to the largest giant population on Desolate. The size of the mountain range makes a perfect home for these creatures. The edges of the range are barren except for large forests. Monsters are almost never seen.


The capital city of Girdwood calls this mountain range home.


There are very few who climb any mountain range in Desolate, however, because of the lack of monsters around the rim of the range, there is a somewhat substantial climbing group in Girdwood. Climbing gear costs money, so this hobby is rarely picked up at best.
Mountain Range
Owning Organization

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