The Dragon's Way Fleet Organization in Desolate ruins | World Anvil
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The Dragon's Way Fleet

The Dragon's way fleet is one of the most dominant naval powers in the world, capable of fighting nearly any other individual sea force on it's own. The fleet consists of nearly 200 ships, with about 40 battleships, 60 light battleships, around 100 light vessels, and other resource and repair ships that stay off the record. The Fleet spends most of it's time sailing around providing for itself, answering calls by the cities to defend their shared homeland. To make a living, captain Unya Taidama unofficially sends out raiding parties which find "donations" or goods at "reduced prices" for the fleet. Though it fools only people without an understanding of the fleet (I.E. Most people who end up getting robbed by them) those who know of the fleet see right past the illusion. The Fleet has been around since The Great Continental War between the Two Cities, serving as an at first humble mercenary force that rose to immense power after numerous victories. After the war, The Fleet became a provider of protection to all states on the mainland, regardless of pay (though money may get you more priority unofficially).

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