Genasi Species in Deos | World Anvil
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The race known as Genasi, is one of the more interesting, because of their dual nature. They are born from the union of a mortal race from Deos, and a elemental race from one of the other planes. This type of union is a rare one, but still possible, either through magic or physical means.   There exist four types of Genasi: the fire branded ifrit, the rocky oread, the flightly sylph and the water born undine. Normally one finds these races depending on the major element that exist in the area, for example undines normally live by the sea or in islands, while ifrits exist in hot deserts or near volcanoes.   Psychologically speaking, they are affected by the element they represent, and even if they are from different cultures, their elements affect their personalities. Ifrit are easy to anger, but also easy to become happy and energetic. Oread are stubborn and slow, but patient. Sylphs have a very free style pwersonality and move a lot. Undines are the most maleable.   The only place that they truly can call home is the former genie kingdom of Aleanasir, which before the Age of Conquest, it was ruled by a elemental court of genies. But in general, one can find them essentially anywhere, but always as a minority, outside of Aleanasir.

Basic Information


The genasi have a humanoid physical structure, but they all show the obvious characteristicsof the elements they are born as, such as different skin colour or texture, and different style of hair.

Genetics and Reproduction

They can technically reproduce with any other humanoid race, but the child will be born either the humanoid race or the elemental one, it cannot be both.

Ecology and Habitats

They normally live around areas that are abundant of their birth element, but that doesnt stop them from living anywhere else.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are omnivore.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have normal perceptive ability as that of many other humanoids, but because of their elemental blood, they are capable of seeing in the dark.
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens elementum.

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