Adriel Character in Demon Realm | World Anvil
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God Adriel Bristlecone

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Adriel was just a common tree dryad that had been focused on keeping his tree alive. His tree had been born thousands of years before the human and demon realm were as separated as they are now. He would often move between the demon realm and the human in search of different plants to add around his tree and ended up over time creating a vast vibrant forest that housed millions of different life. Never one to take and not give back the areas that he frequented in the human realm also became vibrant and lush. As the years continued he interacted with humans and would often gift them with knowledge though he had his moments where he needed to defend what he created.   Over time though the humans became less nature-focused, and the realms seemed to drift further apart till eventually, Adriel stayed on the demon side with his tree. What the dryad had not come to realize was that he had at one point or another become a god. Long-life was normal for demons, and for dryads. Well attended his tree could naturally live to be 7 to 8 thousand years old, older with a dryad such as himself supporting it. So he didn't notice as the years past that he wasn't aging, that was normal. He did notice that sometimes he would hear voices asking for things and he would just shrug and agree to them unless they were violent to which he just choose to ignore.   It never really hit him until he was sitting under his tree and a human stumbled into his grove. Shocked, and horrified that a human had found this hidden nature he was going to defend when the human flung himself on the ground at Adriel's feet praying to him. They called him the horned god, fitting since a lot of times he went out and about in the human realm he would shift shape a bit and have deer antlers. He couldn't help it he thought they were sexy on him. It was then Adriel began to wisen up as to what was going on. He talked with the person and realized what had happened, what had been happening.   Horrified and mystified at this Adriel allowed this human to live with direct communication to him while he went about trying to find himself and this new path he found himself on. The male was his first high priest and his first lover.   The years past, Adriel found his powers, found himself all over again. He found being a nature god fitting to him as he felt like there was little work to it. His first lover passed and it broke the god, life and death were always normal in the realm of nature but still, he had never loved like that before. Never created a relationship beyond family or friends. To lose love was a wound he had to withdraw from being a god and truly heal from.   When he returned he found himself in the companion of the goddess who was merely there to introduce herself and discuss an alliance. He liked her. She was of the moon and earth and he was of the sun and plants. They balanced each other and it worked well when dealing with humans.   Things went smoothly, Adriel even went out and met other gods. Thorn had become a fast friend. The two enjoying both seriousness and bouts of troublemaking. He had met the god's wife, she was a spitfire if Adriel had ever met one and felt the two were perfect for one another. He had been grieved to hear of what had befallen the wife and child offering Thorn any aid he could beyond war. He would not risk his realm, his tree to that of war but he gave council, he aided in salves and other supplies.   Unlike most gods over the years, he still went and visited mortals. The raven's realms, the wolf packs, he would move around to the different demons and fae that were in this realm. The fox kingdom was always amusing to visit. The one time he was fairly certain he caught the king himself darting off to go enjoy his own guards; or was he the crown prince at the time? Adriel couldn't quite recall that bit of information. Julian's past had been an interesting one as it was.   Shortly after the fox visit, however, things shifted. Lucifer was a name to be feared and he was demanding loyalty. As always Adriel demanded neutrality. Nature was neutral it did not see anyone as better or worse. Unlike so many others before him however, Lucifer didn't appreciate the answer or respect it. He set fire to Adriel's home. A fire so hot that it spread faster than anything natural. He changed the land that day destroying everything Adriel knew, including his tree, his ancient beloved tree.   How he survived Adriel couldn't even guess, he wanted to die. In his heart, he wished for nothing more. Yet he lived. He had to disappear, forget, he needed to forget especially. The pain was too much and so he gave himself to a slaver party that was heading to the fox kingdom and there he became the king's Gardner and was content to deal with the punishments, anything was better than the loss of all that he had had.

Gender Identity



Adriel prefers men, despite the Goddess' best advances.


Education was not of a traditional kind for Adriel. He was born of nature, raised by nature and knows more knowledge of how plants and animals work than all the humans over all the time. However, when it came to math, and sciences he is lost. The god has no desire for that knowledge so he has never pursued it. He knows enough of what he needs to be passable but he is far from what would be expected of a god.


God is a full-time work, add to that caring for a forest, whether it was his old one or the new budding one he is building up again.

Mental Trauma

There are two things that fall into a mental trauma with him. The reoccurring issue he has is with his history with lovers. He started with one lover and the loss crippled him, he waited another century to take another and the hurt when the lover left him was just as new and fresh as if it were the first time. Again the god reclined into his tree just to heal again. This was the cycle until after he lost his home, after that he took no new lovers. Not when he was enslaved, and not until Julian appeared again in his life did he even feel the desire again.   The second trauma was both physical and mental. The loss of his realm, the loss of all the life he had cultivated over eons gone in a week. All of it and the god never truly came to terms with it. He has never revisited the place of ash even though he can feel his tree had seeded and was trying to grow again. He ignored it, ignored the god that he was. Even now as he is back as a god he ignores things that are pressing from his past and focuses solely on the things going on in Julian's life, and that of Lance's pantheon.

Morality & Philosophy

"Live and let live....up to a point" Adriel believes that nature can run its course and for the most part a hands-off approach is best. However, he has always run into a few situations where bending the rules, or circumventing the rules altogether.
Circumstances of Birth
He was a dryad that had devoted himself to protecting not only his tree but also the forest it was in. Eventually his tree grew thousand of years old and at that point he was being worshiped by demon and humans alike.
Honey Gold
Long [inch or two past shoulders], Pale brown almost blonde.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rich Tawny color

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