Virginbane Lily Species in Demergion | World Anvil
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Virginbane Lily

In many places this plant is seen as a dangerous weed. The Plant is named after the poison which the thorns are laced with, which causes fever and is especially pronounced in those who haven't tasted the boons of the flesh and often results in death of these. But when properly tended the grey prickly branches can be coerced into fancy shapes which sprout beautiful blood red lilies, and even the poison when diluted with alcohol acts as a powerful aphrodisiac, in which case the moniker holds true. This flower can natively be found in dry areas, notably The Desert of Winds, but with proper care it can blossom anywhere.   Due to it's notable color and effect, this flower commonly marks houses of Ill repute.
Scientific Name
Libido maledicere lilium
Geographic Distribution

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