The Troll Way Plot in Demergion | World Anvil
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The Troll Way

Adventure Overview

Adventure Information

Rundown of the Adventure

During their travel from Küsdorf to The Hamlet of Inverness, the ship is trapped as a troll has inadvertently pushed over a tree while making a new hideout on a cliff overlooking the river. Due to how the vines have fallen, the tree could be easily removed from the top.

Who is involved in the adventure?

Who is behind the adventure? (BBEG)
A troll (Juma) and his wounded pet Pegasus (Yera) are seeking a new home.
Who is effected?
The river transport and the group.

What happened already?

When did it happen?

About a week ago, this troll has made this place a new home, as he was driven down from the mountains after his troll was raided by wolves seeking shelter. During the clearing of a cave he caused a bit of a cave-in and part of the cliff face as well as a few trees above fell down into the river, blocking the pas

Player Information

What happened?

  • River is blocked, we can chop trough, but I see some vines could you check how to get the trees loose? They might fall down and float past the barge.

What does the QG offer


DM Information

Combat Information

Investigations Information

Other sides of the Quest

  • The troll (Juma) merely wants a place to hang-out, cultivate a mushroom garden and take care of the bite wound that was inflicted upon the Pegasus.
  • He will defend his home, but only when left no other choice, and only to defend his life and Yera's

Other Information

  • 50ft. cliff.
  • Two 45ft. trees.
  • Probably hot on the heels of the other fight, which likely has drained quite some resources. 


Assisting NPCs

Other NPCs

  • Yera: wounded pet Pegasus. Suffering for an infection, health loss and a lingering curse similar to Calia, albeit more subtle.
  • Juma, old troll seeking new home.



  • The Troll has a mushroom garden which he is willing to share, serves as food. With a few special shrooms to be used in alchemical concoctions as well as "other" uses.


  • The troll posses three old potions he doesn't use, and is willing to share them: 
    • Restorative Ointment: 3/5 uses dusty but sealed. Could be used on the horse.
    • Oil of Slipperiness: dusty but sealed
    • Potion of Animal Friendship: dusty but sealed

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